Libero Tiger Wolf + Tag

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Tigerwolf-chan is back~~~! XD *screams squeals faints* And this time, in her volleyball libero get up XD

Teravfon101 your fluffiness and cuteness and volleyball skills are simply amazing. I simply must pinch your furry cheeks. *pinches cheeks*

Tera-chan : OWOWOWOOOW leggo of meeewwww! *clawing out everywhere*


Anyway, I've been tagged by @Eevee100 and @diamondogs1 to do a challenge, and since it's been so long since I did one, I'm gonna do it lol XD

~If you're tagged, you must type the rules at the top of the page.
~You must be creative and create your own title to the chapter.
~You must add at least 13 facts about yourself. Make sure they're interesting. (I cannot guarantee you that XD)
~You must complete the tag within 24 hours (Well I failed this one)

Tag 15 of your favourite people and if they tag you back, they are your real friends. (I don't really believe in this stuff... And I don't think I have 15 people to tag ^^"")

Thirteen facts about me :
1. To know my age this year, take 134-53+9-60+4-14= ??? (It's a simple equation really)

2. I have three sisters, and I'm the second child. No brothers, unfortunately lol. We are all crazy people when we're together XD

3. I like doing yoga and static exercise, as well as swimming.

4. I am utterly phobic of needles and hospital-related stuff. Also, I'm somewhat hypochondriacal. I hate going to the hospital and avoid getting sick at all costs.

5. Right now, I would love to have a cat with me XP

6. I like to look at old drawings of mine and criticise them (or laugh at them, whichever happens first XD) so that I can constantly improve.

7. I have no idea how to use the Pen tool in Photoshop CS5. They say it's best for creating smooth line art but I just cannot get the hang of it... =__="

8. I like the colours red, black and gold. My family does not like me wearing black clothes though.. ^^"

9. I can drive, but I don't like to XP However, I'm forced to drive everyday, so that doesn't make things any more fun lol

10. Once I get absorbed in doing something, I won't stop until it's finished, be it drawing, writing, or doing work. Mainly just drawing and writing though XD I can be quite a workaholic if I want to..

11. Due to my perfectionist nature, I always overthink and overdo stuff and that eventually stresses me up like mad. I need to learn how to not be so rigid XP

12. My original dreams of becoming a zoologist have gone down the drain because the government has withdrawn overseas scholarships. Thus, I can't go overseas anymore and am stuck where I am. Hence, I'm going to pursue..... a Bachelor of Education in TESOL XD Still not sure if that's the right choice though...

13. I can be an extremely dense person, so much so that people talking to me would literally go =_______=""" *cough* Jadenite_12 Teravfon101 theNaNa525 *cough*

And...that is all XD


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