Art Raffle!

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So, we're going ahead with the art raffle XD Here are the prizes I will be giving out :

~All prizes will be drawn digitally! ~ No background though, cause I suck at them ;-; For this raffle, I will only be accepting humans (drawn in anime style) for first prize, while the second and third prize winner can request either humans or beasts or dragons etc.

1st place - Full body/half body digital coloured painting, in as much detail as I can muster. Example piece :
(This was a very recent art trade I did with Jadenite_12 of her OC, Jade. Took me 9 hours lol)

2nd place - Full body/half body digital sketchy drawing with splashes of colour

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2nd place - Full body/half body digital sketchy drawing with splashes of colour. Can be very colourful if need be. Example piece :

3rd place - Portrait or bust-up digital drawing in quick painting style

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3rd place - Portrait or bust-up digital drawing in quick painting style. Quick because it takes only around 3 to 5 hours. Example piece :

 Example piece :

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1. Anyone who wants to join the art raffle, vote for this chapter and comment "Let's rumble!" (Cause I can't think of anything else to say ^^"")
2. You may tag someone whom you think will be interested in the raffle, and that someone will have to vote and comment as well to enter the raffle. The more the merrier right? :D
3. Once I see that you have left the comment "Let's rumble!" I will give you a number. That will be your raffle number. Keep it safe!
4. I will leave the raffle open until 11th July 2017, so that's like 4 days to get a number. Any comments after that will not be entered into the raffle.

I'm not really expecting a lot of entries, with only 8 people saying they wanted it, so there's a high chance you might win XD Anyways, just enter for the fun of it and who knows, you might get a prize XD

Once the raffle closes, I will use a random number generator to generate the winners's numbers, to be fair. Winners will be announced when its over, and further instructions for them will be laid out in another chapter (ie. how to request your prize).


Before I end this, I just wanna say that I really want to do this with you guys who have been here to support my art, even though I'm such a problematic artist who can't update regularly, has sudden art blocks, has problems with requests, was once struggling with depression (long story, that's why I disappeared suddenly and randomly), and is so seemingly fickle minded and irresponsible. By holding this raffle I want to show my appreciation to you people who have stuck with me through my...irregularities ^^""

To the winners, I will do my best to draw your prizes (even if I'm in the middle of art block) because I want to prove to myself, most of all, that I can achieve anything I put my heart to. For the past many months I've not been myself and I hated every bit of it, not drawing and not using my potential and being a sobbing and raging wreck, but now I want to start over again. And you guys will help me :) You already helped so much by showing support for me, shoutout to Jadenite_12 , theNaNa525 ,Mikkow3 , Dino-Burgers, diamondogs1, SimpliDuelist, WeirdoWolfGurl , RuneChan101. You guys are the best ever! ^^ (Also to my Puella Magi Rebirth readers @OWL-15 and MercedesDeCristo thanks for reading my story although it's been on hiatus for so long, I'm sorry, I'll try to get back to it ASAP ;-;)

Sorry for the sudden ramble, but I felt like I had to let it out somehow. To anyone suffering from depression, I know how it feels like, and I will also say to never give up no matter how horrible life may seem. It'll turn around for the better, but you've gotta be the one to get your own life back in control (along with having supportive friends/family *cough* Jadenite_12 *cough* XD)


Okay how did an art raffle rules and prizes turn into this-

Anyways, have a nice day! And remember, you can do anything you want to as long as you put your heart to it XD


Oh, and don't forget to join the raffle XP


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