Attack From Above

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Hey, sorry for not updating in a long time. Life got pretty busy once again, even though I'm out of college. Been applying for universities and stuff, as well as taking care of literally everything in the house XD

So, here's another old drawing of mine that I did in January. It's Tazzin in half-dragon form, launching an ambush from above the enemy. Hope you guys like it ^^

I'm opening one request right now, because I simply must draw something, if not I'll lose my skill T-T
It will be traditional, not digital (these take quite a lot of time). I will accept the drawing of a character (in a scenario, or not), or beast/animal.
All requests that come in will be considered, and I will choose one to draw. The person whose request got chosen will be tagged in the chapter when I publish it. So yeah, I'm kinda setting up a trap for myself to make me draw something lol

See you guys soon! ^^


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