I'd Like Another Refill (Niall Horan)

252 5 0

Word Count: 2,468

Rating: PG

You woke up, but still feeling tired as ever.  You opened and shut your mouth a few times, taking in some more of the hot Puerto Rican air.  Rolling back over, you heard you alarm clock ring and you groaned.  The poor electronic got battered every morning as you brutally smacked the snooze button.

Sighing, you knew you had to get up and you knew you had a good reason to.  Today you were going to the beach with your three best friends Chloe, Karina and Melanie.  It was going to be fun, but you knew it was going to be hot outside.

Sitting up, you rubbed your eyes and got up.  Your tiny feet slapped against the wooden floors and you walked down the hall. 

Just then, there was a sudden ding, and your eyes widened.  Rushing to the door, you looked through the peephole and saw your three friends on your front porch.  Letting out a heavy sigh, you unlocked the door and opened it.

"Hey Pattie," Chloe said, waving.

"Open the door," Melanie barked, lifting her hand to examine her manicure.

You grumbled and opened it up, letting your three friends in.  Karina gave you a hug as she walked in and set down her tote bag on the floor.

Walking away, you heard Melanie remark, "Well, someone just woke up. . ."

Trudging back down the hall, you fell into the bathroom and sighed.  Your friends were already over.  Glaring at the clock, you saw it was noon and groaned.  You had to go to the beach in an hour.

There was a loud knock on the door and you could hear your friends giggling outside of it.

"Open up," Melanie said.

"Yeah, we are going to be late!" Karina exclaimed, giggling along with Chloe.

You flung open the door and gave them all an angry glare.  Moving through them, you shuffled back to your room, the three of them following you.

"Just put on your bikini, Pattie," Melanie ordered.

You heard them walk a ways down the hall, and Chloe shout, "We'll be in the kitchen."

Shutting your door, you fell back on your bed and closed your eyes.  You just wanted to go back to sleep.

Getting up, you pulled off your pajamas, which consisted of some gym shorts and an old t-shirt.  Then you grabbed your hot pink bikini and put it on.  With a quick glance in the mirror, you thought you looked pretty good today, but you threw a sheer dress on top of it anyway.  You just weren't that comfortable walking half an hour to the beach in just your bikini.

Next, you left your room and headed back to the bathroom.  You slathered some sunscreen over your already bronzed skin.  Sunscreen might feel yucky, but skin cancer is yucky.   

Grabbing your sun hat, and tote bag, you shoved a towel under your arm.  Moving back to your room, you threw in your Nook and sunglasses.  You grabbed some loose bills and your wallet, also adding them to the bag.  Walking to the kitchen, you saw your friends munching on some apples.

You smiled and walked past them, grabbing some chips.  Returning to the fridge, you opened the door and asked, "What do you guys want to drink?"

"Water," said Chloe.  You smiled, because she was the weird healthy one.  She probably made your other two friends eat those apples, knowing her.

"Uh. . ." Karina started.

"What do you have?" Melanie questioned, standing up and moving over.  She tossed her apple core in the crash and moved in front of the fridge.

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