A Sprinkle Of Cinnamon (Sam Pottorff)

553 7 0

Word Count: 2,636

Rating: PG

Today, you and your friends were heading for what would be one of the best concerts of your life; you were going to go see The Killers.  This was only your third concert, and you never thought you would ever see one of your favorite bands.  However, you had been driving for about two hours and decided to stop at your favorite restaurant for lunch.

Taco Bell.

"Drive thru or?" your friend, Leah, asked as she pulled into the parking lot.

"Let's go in!" you exclaimed, smiling as you stared out your window. 

It was good to finally get out and stretch your legs after such a long drive.  Leah pulled into an empty space, and you unbuckled your seat belt.  Opening your door, you stepped out of the vehicle and reached your arms up into the air.  You rotated your hands, and let out a happy sigh.  It just felt so nice.  

"C'mon, you little weirdo.  Let's go get some food," Leah laughed, poking your exposed stomach.

"Hey!" you shouted and pulled down your shirt a bit.  It was new and had grey sparkles scattered throughout the fabric.  Perfect for the concert.

Walking into the near empty restaurant, you walked up to the counter.  In front of you were a group of guys, and they were all being very loud.  Exchanging a glance with Leah, you both sighed.  


Suddenly, they all got very quiet, and as you peered around, all of them had very red faces.  A tall brunette started laughing, and a tall tan blond one elbowed him.  The tall brunette coughed and then the cashier called them up for their order.  

As the five of them walked up, you saw that the short brunette kept stealing peeks at you.  You smiled and waved, making his face flush.  You let out a giggle as he turned around, which earned you a stare from the tall brunette.  You waved at him too, and in response, he winked.

They ordered and stood along the side, waiting for their food.  The cashier called for the next person, which was Leah and you.  Stepping up, you ordered a quesadilla and the 5 dollar bowl.  Leah asked for the same order and the cashier waved for you two to go stand to the side as well.

Walking over, the two of you stood a little ways from the group of boys.  As you the two of you stood there, you made some chit chat while you waited for your food.

"I can't believe we are actually going," Leah squealed.

"I know!" you fangirled.  "I mean, The Killers.  How many people actually get to see them live?"

"You're lucky I bought the tickets on time.  They were nearly all sold out by the time I got on the website."

Suddenly, you felt a tap on your shoulder, and you turned around to see the tall blond boy from earlier.

"Uh, hi.  I overheard that you guys were going to a concert.  Wouldn't happen to be The Killers, would it?" he asked.

Leah stepped up beside you, and you smiled.  "Yeah, it actually is The Killers," you laughed.  Then you glanced at the rest of the boys, "Are you guys going too?"

He nodded and smiled, "Yeah, we are.  Oh, my name is Connor, by the way."

"Hi Connor.  I'm Lindsay, and this is my friend Leah."

Leah waved, and Connor smiled at her.  

"So, uh, yeah this-"

Just then, a worker set down their food and Connor looked between you two and the food.  The short, cute boy  

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