I'll Pick You Up At Eight (Sam Pottorff)

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Word Count: 1353

Rating: PG

I was going to kill my mother. 

Winter formal was next week and even though I insisted on not going, my mother dragged me to Macy's to go dress shopping. 

I sighed aloud and ran my fingers through my blond hair. It totally sucked to live in the first world.

"Emilee, what about this one?" my mother called. I turned down nevershoutnever! and glanced over at my mom. 

She was holding a magenta taffeta gown and I resisted the urge to dry heave. "Do you think that really suits me?" I asked, biting my lip.

"Oh!" she exclaimed. "You're right. This one will make your skin look clammy. Maybe I should look over here. . ."

Her voice fell silent as my music overtook my hearing. If Christofer Drew couldn't make this torture seem a little bit better, than God have mercy on us all.

My fingers brushed against my black skinny jeans and I wiped the little bit of chalk dust off my pants. Maybe I was just being spoiled and rotten. I guess I'm lucky to have a mother who wants to take me dress shopping, but winter formal? WINTER FORMAL?!

It's just that, I am not that girl. I don't go to dances. And I don't even have a date. Why get all dressed up when there is no one to impress? 

I sighed again and got up. Maybe if I took a walk, I might find something I would like. I mean, there has to be something better than magenta taffeta. 

Running my hands along the clothing racks, my eyes scanned the hangers for a dress that would suit me. There were so many different fabrics to choose from, and colourful dresses were strewn everywhere. It looked like a rainbow exploded in here. 

Wasn't this winter time? Didn't they have black or something? Just something a little less coral and a little more me?

I picked up a zebra print dress, pressing it to my body. Nope. Not this one. A yellow dress caught my eye and I moved closer to examine it. I would look like a banana in that. Pass. 

I let out a heavy breath of annoyance and closed my eyes. The first dress I saw would be the one I would wear. 

Opening my eyes, I frowned at my choice. There was no way I would wear a light pink, sparkly dress anywhere. Closing my eyes again, I hoped I would pick a better choice this. Guess again. A grey dress? Would that even- Ugh, just no. Forget it. Just forget all of this. I mean, why did I even get up? I should've just stayed in my nice comfy chair-

"That one."

I stopped my mental rant and paused my music. Who said that?

"That one," the masculine voice repeated. I turned around to see a short, tanned boy standing not too far behind me.

"Excuse me?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

"This green-blue one," he remarked. Walking over, he moved pass me and pulled the dress off the rack. 

It ran mid-thigh and was strapless. The smooth, shiny silk was caught by the light and seemed to glow in his hands. Light sparkles were woven into the fabric, but they weren't super obvious. Unlike many of the other dresses, the bottom half was suave, no ruffles. 

A small smile spread across my face as I stepped closer and took the dress from his hands. It was soft on the inside and the outside and it didn't seem like it would be too constricting.

"What do you think?" he asked. I could hear the smile in his voice.

I looked up and smiled happily, "I think it's great. Do you work here?"

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