I Hope It All Wrks Out (Niall Horan)

249 1 0

Word Count: 1,748

Rating: PG

You groaned as your alarm clock beeped across your room.  Lifting the duvet off your warm body, you shambled over to the tiny ringing nuisance and silenced it.  God, you hated waking up so early for school.

Shuffling down the stairs, your feet padded against the cold floor as you made your way into the kitchen.  It was so cold in the Netherlands in January, and it was so rainy.  You craved the sunshine and could not wait for summer months.  It was always hot and sunny in July.

And there was no school.

Pulling out a box of cereal, you rubbed your eyes and yawned.  Stupid Netherlands.

Flipping on the television, you sat down on the couch and ate your cereal.  You turned down the T.V., to make sure you did not wake your little brother up, who was sleeping in the room next door.  There was only some news on and some annoying cartoons.  Sighing, you turned the television off and finished your cereal.  You got up and threw your bowl in the sink.  Then you got ready for the long day ahead.

After dressing, and prepping yourself for the day, you headed out the door.  You were greeted with a welcoming blast of chilly air, and you pulled you jacket tighter against you.

"Hey, Jo!"  You turned around to see your best friend, Emma running to catch up with you.

"Hi," you grumbled, still not feeling awake enough for school.  If you didn't have to get up so early, maybe you would actually perform better in your lessons.

"Are you ready for today?" Emma huffed as she caught up to you.  "I heard the new kids were coming today."

"New kids?" you questioned. 

"Yeah.  The foreign exchange students from the UK?  Don't you remember the assembly last week?"

You let out a sigh, and looked at your friend.  "It is too early to remember an assembly from last week.  I swear I've already forgotten what I ate for breakfast this morning."

"Ugh, Joelle!" Emma whined.  "Get in the spirit.  I heard there might be some cute guys coming over."

You shrugged your shoulders and continued walking.  Usually, you would reprimand anyone, who called you Joelle, your full name.  But you were too tired today.  

"Well, someone's still sleeping, I see."

In response, you flashed your friend a sleeping grin, and the two of you continued walking.  As you arrived at the school building, you hoped this day would go by quickly.  It was a Friday, and you could not wait for the day to be over.

Opening the heavy main doors, an explosion of warm air enveloped your body, and you walked into hell.  A few familiar faces greeted you, and you waved back.  Moving to your locker, you put in your coat and your book bag.  You gathered up your text books for class and walked away.  

"Wait up!" Emma called.  "Someone's excited to get to class."

"I just want to sit down," you whined and walked into your classroom.  There were a few kids seated in the corner, but no one else was in the class yet.  Everyone seemed to be out in the hall still.  

Falling down into your seat, you placed your supplies on the desk in front of you and laid your head down.  

"Are you really going to sleep?" Emma asked, sitting down beside you.


"Am I annoying you?"

"No.  School is."

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