Shopping For Cereal (Liam Payne)

311 4 2

Word Count: 1,881

Rating: PG-13 

The summer breeze tickled your skin as it flew by, whipping your hair.  It was a windy day for a walk to the grocery store, but your mom had asked for you to pick up a few items.  Trying to be a nice daughter, you complied, and headed out for the moderately long walk to the shopping center.

Arriving at the store, you were greeted by a cool blast of air conditioning.  You pushed you sun glasses out of your face, letting the nest in your black hair.  Moving your feet, you peered up at the signs on the ceiling, looking for the aisle that held the cereal.

You were not paying attention as you continued to walk down the main aisle of the store.  Suddenly, you felt something hard against your body, and you fell to the ground.  Staring up, you realized that he was standing in front of you.

Liam. Payne.  

You just ran into Liam Payne.  

"Oh my God!  Are you okay?" he asked, extending his hand to help you up.  

You felt your face flush and you took his hand.  He helped pull you up, and he put his free hand on your back, helping to steady you.

"Love, are you alright?  You aren't speaking."  

Even though your eyes remained on the ground, you could feel him staring at you.  You didn't want to look up into those beautiful brown eyes, because you knew it would break your heart.  You loved him so much, and you were such a huge fan of him.  He had always been an inspiration to you, in everything he did.

You looked up and nodded.  "Uh, yeah," you whispered.  "I'm fine."  

You smiled, and let go of his hand.  You were just going to walk away and let him continue with his shopping.  He probably wanted a break from all the screaming fans, anyway. 

As his hand slid out of yours, you hoped that you would remember how soft it was.  And how it felt like baby skin.  Taking in a breath, you hoped you would remember his strong, manly smell.  The glint of happiness in his eyes, and his unshaven face.

Just then, he tightened his grip on your hand, you froze.  What was Liam doing?

"Hey, uh, I know this is kind of sudden, but could you help me?  I can't find the cereal aisle."  His eyes pierced into yours, and there was this pleading look to them.

"That's the aisle I was looking for," you said.

"Well, then we can look for it together."

It was only then, that you broke the staring contest and you turned.  You walked quickly down the aisle to your left, and looked at the shelves.

No cereal here.

You continued to walk quickly, and suddenly, you felt a hand on your shoulder.

"H-hey!  Slow down!" Liam exclaimed, turning you around to face him.  "You aren't in a rush, are you?"

You shook your head, and he smiled.


You gulped and felt a twinge in your heart.  He was looking at you like you were a new flavor of ice cream that he was dying to try.  His eyes ran across your body, and you suddenly felt naked.  You were only wearing a turquoise crop top, and high-waisted jean shorts that could be mistaken for underwear.

Turning back around, he was so close to you, that you felt his body heat.  He was making you feel nervous, and you once again started to walk ahead of him.

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