The Girl on Flower Lane (Harry Styles)

175 1 4

Word Count: 1,561

Rating: PG

You were sitting in McDonalds, using up their wi-fi and waiting to here back from your best friend, Izzy. It had been an hour since you walked through the stores smudged glass doors, and you had been waiting for her to show up ever since. Slurping on your Coke, you logged onto your favourite writing site. You scrolled down your home feed and checked the comments on your latest novel, Dear Lovely. 

In just a few days, the story had already received a lot of reads. It was doing very well, especially for a new fan fiction, which was pretty different from your previous novels. You smiled and exited out of the app. When you were older, you hoped to be a professional writer. 

Writing was one of your favourite hobbies. You were especially dedicated to updating at least once a week and even had your own editor. For only being seventeen, you felt pretty accomplished. Especially with one of your fan fictions having getting 160,000 some reads. Could you say successful?

However, you rarely talked about your literary success, usually keeping it between yourself and your dedicated readers. Instead, you talked about Harry Styles, your inspiration and love of your life. He was just so. . . perfect.

Sighing, you wished you could meet Harry. You had never been to a One Direction concert or could ever dream of seeing them live. Instead, you constantly drew pictures of them and watched footage from other lucky directioners, over and over again. On 1DDay, you pretty much watched the whole livestream and could not stop laughing.

Your phone vibrated and you unlocked the device. Checking your texts, you saw Izzy had finally responded to your urgent messages.

Sorry. Can't make it. xx

Frowning, you swiftly got up. Guess you had just wasted an hour in McDonalds waiting for her. Throwing your drink in the trash can, you pushed the door open and walked through the exit. Suddenly, your phone slid out of your pocket and you let out a grumpy sigh. Bending over to pick it up, a hand shot out of no where and snatched your phone off the ground.

"Hey!" you shouted, jerking your head up to see who it was.

"Sorry," the man whispered. "I didn't mean to startle you." 

Your eyes went wide and your body froze. The wind whipped through your hair and your mouth slightly fell open. Your heart began to beat wildly and you could not believe it. God had finally answered your prayers and your dream was finally happening.

"Th-thank you," you muttered and the boy laughed.

"Don't be so shocked," he giggled. "You look like you've seen a ghost."

"Oh my God," you mumbled. "Oh my God."

"Louis!" a voice from across the parking lot shouted. 

"Yeah mate?" the man in front of you yelled back and you slowly stood up.

L-Louis Tomlinson. At McDonalds. Louis was at McDonalds. With you. Louis was at McDonalds with you. And you were at McDonalds with Louis. Louis Tomlinson Louis. Louis.

"Where are you?" the deep voice rang across the parking lot. Something stirred in your heart, and you just knew. You just knew you were going to meet Harry Styles.

"Over here by the exit. I'm with this lovely young lady," Louis turned around to smile at you, his eyes twinkling. He winked and you looked away. Covering your mouth, you breathed heavily, trying not to cry. "Hey, it's alright, love. Just breathe, okay?" His hands made a circular motion around you back and he slipped your phone into your pocket.

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