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We met again, two days after our first meeting because meeting without a gap could have raised suspicions and it would have been harmful for my plan. But I had my eyes on her. Everything was the same except where I was standing. This time I approached her from the left side of the building.

"Hey stranger!" I called Abigail from the other side. She stopped short and turned back.

"Hi! Stranger." She replied with a smile as she recognized me.

"I didn't know I'd find you here again but what brings you out at this hour?" I asked walking towards her.

"Well! I am glad we met again. And I was coming back from the studio." She replied.

"So am I. Studio?" I asked taking the bags from her hands.

"Wha?... It's...-"

"Give these bags here, I'll carry them for you." I said flashing a polite smile.

"Thank-you so much..."

"Keith. Keith Reynolds." I completed her sentence.

"I am Abigail Johnson." She said.

"So Abigail! Where do I have to take these?" I asked.

"Well! We are standing right in front of my building. So you don't have to worry to carry them longer." She replied started walking towards the building.

It was an eight story residential building. White colored, it seemed like a couple of years old building. As we were standing in front of the main entrance of the building, I noticed the paint was wearing out from some places. Abigail led me inside the building, it was quite dark, most of the lights were blinking, the elevator was out of order. That building required some serious repairs.

"I live on fifth floor. This isn't some thing very luxurious, I know! But this is where I live." She said nervously.

"It's okay." I said.

We ascended all five floors, both of us panting. There were six apartments on each floor. Hers was right next to the staircase. A brown door with a knob on the left side which led into a small corridor, then to the right was kitchen and lounge, at the left from the lounge was what I assumed to be the bedroom.

I placed the grocery bags on the kitchen counter.

"So my work here is done! I should get going." I said.

"Why? I mean why don't we have a cup of coffee together?" She asked with urgency.

"Isn't it a bit too late for coffee?" I asked with a sly smile.

"I ain't listening any thing, you have to have a cup of coffee. I owe it to you." She said keeping her hand on my rigid and chiseled shoulder.

"Ummm! Okay but just one cup." I said smiling. Only if she knew where that cup of coffee will take her. You must be thinking how will I do this deed, not that hard. After a lot of research I managed to fangle a camouflage of my actual killer.

"How would you like your coffee?" She asked from the kitchen.

"Extra strong." I replied, her eyes went wide for a couple of moments.

"Oh my! Good heavens, extra strong? Wouldn't that be way too bitter?" She asked.

"Nah! It won't be for me, the bitterness of life surpasses than that of coffee." I chuckled.

"Okay! Just as you say." She replied turning to towards the counter.

"So! You live alone here?" I asked looking around the house.

"Sort of!" She replied.

"Sort of! What do you mean sort of?" I asked pretending to be heedless.

"Well! I live with my fiance-"

"Fiance?" I asked in bafflement.

"Yeah! But it's not like it matters. I mean it's like he always on drugs, he does not have time for me. All he do is, boss around me and my life. Hangs out with his thugs." She replied.

"It's not my place to ask but why are you staying with the guy? Kick him out of your life and move on. We aren't in some 3rd world country, this is America." I said throwing my hands up.

"I didn't have any choice. My mother wanted me to marry him, it was her last wish. So! I had to, I mean that's least I could do. My mother raised me alone with so many obstructions." She replied.

"Man! This is one hell of a mess." I uttered.

Her statement boiled my blood, she was lying. Only part of it was true, the rest of it was an absurd. I know it because I have been keeping an eye on Abigail's every move, none of what she describes about her fiance happened.

I felt a tap on my shoulder. And I was brought back into lounge of slightly old studio room.

"You got carried away." She said and then pointed towards the table, on which coffee mugs were resting along with some magazines.

"Yeah! I guess. Can I get a glass of water?" I asked.

"Sure! But can you give me a minute to freshen up?" She asked.

"Of course! Take your time." I replied.

She went inside to freshen up. And I only had a couple of minutes to do my work. I got up from the couch, took out the bottle of my fangled knocking out drops, they were gonna knock her out forever. After a lot of hard work, I came up with the idea of this camouflage. I used 450 mg of Benadryl and 300 mg of Arsenic and managed to make those drops. I added seven drops to Abigail's coffee, stirring wasn't required as liquid can easily mix up with another.

You must be thinking why I used the sleeping drops? Well! I used Abigail's method, that's what she adds into the food of Carl, her fiance. And carries out her affair with different guys. So! I thought she should have a taste of her own medicine.

I could have given her the poison straightaway but that would have easily be diagnosed. The camouflage will take some time to reveal the actual murder weapon. I never had an intention to run away, someday they will get to me but before getting caught I want to carry out some justice.

Author's Note: After quite a long time, the chapter is updated. I hope you guys will like it. Writing murders ain't easy for sane people. Lol :-)
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