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Abigail was taking longer than usual but I sat there patiently. She entered the room after a few moments with a tray in her hand which had a glass of water in it and she was wearing a rose red lipstick now. I smirked. She smiled thinking I took her bait but I smirked because of the things that'll be happening to her, when she will drink that coffee.

Things were going according to my plan but as per human nature I was a bit nervous. Things were almost at the climax. I didn't want anything to go wrong.

"Your coffee is getting cold." I said as I felt time slipping out of my hands.

"Oh! I forgot about it." She said holding the tray in front of me, I took the glass.

Then she placed the tray on the coffee table and picked her mug, was about to take the sip.

"I wanna try your extra strong coffee. Wait! I say we try each others coffee." She said looking excited.

I cursed under my breath, I can't try her coffee. This was not the end game, I was not done yet.

"Ahh! I can't let you try it. It will be bitter for you." I said slowly, so that I can come up with something.

"Come on! You aren't being a gentleman right now." She replied.

"Okay! You can have it but only on one condition." I said.

"And that is?" She asked.

"You'll taste mine only if you let me have yours in the last. Means before you finish it. Deal?" I asked.

"Why?" She asked. Every passing minute was getting annoying for me.

"Ladies first! Plus! I like the leftovers. Strange! I know but this how I am." I said politely.

Abigail agreed to it and did as I requested. Adrenaline was flowing faster in my veins, as my most awaited part was coming. Abigail sat there with a smile on her face and so was I. But my smile a bit different than her's. 

How strange is it that, people don't even know that, sometimes their death is closer than they think. It can be sitting in front of them and staring them and perhaps laughing at them. Few moments and that smile of Abigail was about to fade, things would come down crashing and her slowly her body organs would stop working and eventually collapse. 

I stood up from the couch, counting every passing second.

"Is everything alright?" She asked. I flashed her a smile and shook my head. 

And that was the time, her eyes started growing wide, she was struggling while breathing. 

"Wha-, Hel-, I-I can't-" She tried to speak but was clearly struggling. 

"Tsk, tsk! Awww! Look what happened to poor Abigail. She was having a coffee or a poisoned coffee." I said.

She looked at me with shock and that later it turned into hatred.

"Why I did this? Let's go back a few minutes ago. You said that, your fiance doesn't treat you well but in reality it's otherwise. How? You give him sleeping pills so that he'd sleep throughout and you can do all the dirty dancing. Am I right? You think, it was a coincidence? Us! Meeting? No! It wasn't. I planned everything." I looked at her for a reaction. She was staring at me in pure horror. Unable to process everything.

Her struggling increased by every passing moment. The strain her body was going through, it was all visible. I wanted to make her realize of her sin, so I took out the photographs, of hers with different men. And flashed them in front of her, then threw them at her.  

"You gave me another reason to hate women." I spat. And started doing my job. Cleaned all possible sorts of traces and finally walked out of the house.


Benjamin's P.O.V

It"s been hours since I've been thrown behind the bars. There was another man in the same cell. He seemed to be in his mid forties. He had a few scars of his face which made him look like a monster. Tattoos running up from his forearms to shoulders and one his neck. 

"What are you lookin at? You villager!" He asked in anger. Villager? I looked like a villager to him? But then I realized that, I was dressed like Amish people. Which again reminded me of Margaret, how would she be doing? Whether she is taking care of herself or not?

I wanted to break the wall and go  back to her. Explain her everything, I don't even know! When I'll see her again or not. This place was becoming a hell hole with every passing moment, they looked at me as if I was a criminal of some sort. I served justice.

The feeling to serve, I got from my parents. 


Author's Note: Update! After a way long time. I know! I know! You wanna kill me for that. I wonder, how my folks and acquaintance don't do it. 

Meh! Good news! My papers finished yesterday, but I was hella tired, so I did this, thing which was long foretold. :P

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