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IM BACK BITCHES! Here are more ways to get kicked out of Wal-Mart.

207. Go to the in store restaurant and order anything. When receiving it tell them that this was not what you wanted. Refuse to pay and go tell the manager

208. Hide in a pile of plushies and then jump out at people who walk by

209. Act like an old lady and scream, “AH! I broke my back! This wouldn’t happen at Target!”

210. Pretend to be a life size Barbie. When someone wants to buy you, run away screaming that someone was trying to kidnap you.

211. Take a marker to all the happy faces. Then change the prices. That will start an uproar

212. When a clerk stops you and asks your name read their name of their id card. When they say it’s not your name scream, “IDENTITY THEFT!!!”

213. Throw jelly sweets at the cashiers

214. Steal a shopping cart(As in take it out of the store and put it in your car)

215. Ride on the back of the carts. (they hate it when you do that) Run into other carts yelling like a maniac.

216. Follow one person around the store. Poke them ever so often. When the snap and yell at you scream, “STALKER!!”

217. Pretend like you’re a person who works there and walk around saying, “Can I help you find anything?”

218. Spill cooking oil all over the floor and then slide in it

219. Pretend like you’re blind and can’t find what your looking for. Go up to random people and ask, “Will you help me find some cat food for Fluffy?”

220. Bowl with bottles full of open soda

221. Run around with a bowl of cheerios yelling, “It lowered my cholesterol!”

222. Order a pizza from the cashier

223. Ask to have your pizza shaken, not stirred

 224. Start a food fight

225. Go up to a fat woman and say, “Taxi?”

226. Put underwear over your shorts, get a blue shirt, yellow paint, and red paint, paint an s on the shirt, go to the material section, cut a red cape, then get an umbrella, open it, and jump off the tops of shelves.

227. Take the spray paint and paint all the people around you

228. Go up to random people and hug them while putting a ‘Kick Me’ sign on the back of their shirt

229. Hide in dark places with a golden ring. when people walk by, jump out at them hissing, “We wants it! You cants have it!” Then gently whisper, “it will be alright my precious”

230. Flip off the manager

231. Go to the food section, take all of the boxed items out, and stack them up to make a fort. Glue can help. And creating a ‘distraction’ elsewhere for the employees to handle while you work does too…

232. Drop a pen and let someone else go and pick it up for you. When they do try to pick it up yell to them, “HEY THATS MY PEN THEIF!”

233. Bring a slip n’ slide blast some Music and bring some random people to it and kick their back so they slide across the slip n’ slide and scream “PARTY IN THE HIZ HOUSE!!!!!!!”

234. Throw a dance party

235. Write on the floors

236. Pull all the clothes off the racks into a pile on the floor and hide under it, and when someone tries to pick the clothes up, leap out cackling madly and run down the aisles, still cackling.

237. Go up to someone and say “look over there” Then pull down their pants. And, if you’re lucky, their underwear.

238. Pretend to have an asthma attack, and when someone tries to help you, bite them. Or pretend to faint.

239. Get a bag of chips and walk around the store eating them. When an employee tries to stop you or make you pay, tell them that they’re your chips! Keep screaming it.

240. Spray a customer with pepper spray and scream, “Help! Help! He’s a rapist!”

241. Pretend to be a rabid dog and run around growling at people. Then if someone tries to stop you, bite them.

242. Lie on the floor. Just lie there. It is guaranteed to freak people out. Either pretend to be asleep, or to have passed out.

243. Take toys and put them on the floor and take a cart. Start running over the toys screaming, “Monster Truck Mania!!!”

244. Climb up the shelves/storage units, then refuse to come down.

245. Take red juice Pour it on your face make streaks or stripes then layout on the floor with a flower in your hand when a crowd of people come stand up and walk like a zombie!

246. Grab a bowl, spoon, milk, and cereal. Eat it right there and tell them you’ll pay when your done.

247. Stand on the conveyer belt when your checking out and walk like its a treadmill… then ask for a speed increase

248. Wrap yourself in toilet paper rolls and pretend to be a mummy looking for your wife, Cleopatra

249. Follow a stranger around and mimic them. Continue doing this for a long period of time.

250. If you are in Target, say there is a code yellow

251. Get some candy corn form the candy aisle put two on your canine teeth and go around the store biting peoples necks

252. Flirt with the manager’s wife

253. Walk calmly to the CDs, when u see one that has Hilary Duff, yell (if you’re a fan) OHMIGOD! HILARY’S LATEST! OHMIGOSH, I, LIKE HAVE TO HAVE THIS! (if you’re not a fan) Find a hammer, take the CD, gently put it on the floor, then mash it like a madman.

254. Run around spinning and say you’re the Tasmanian devil

255. Run around in circles and yell, “I’M THE CIRCLE MAN!”

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