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Sorry for the long wait. I have been in a situation that has been making me not want to write anything. But I promise I will try to update more. Well, hope you enjoy this next chapter.

256. Throw Skittles at people while yelling Taste the freakin RAINBOW!

257. Get streamers and throw them all around the store yelling 'IT'S A RAINBOW!'

258. Announce a sock-sliding contest and take off your shoes and start sliding. It’s actually really fun…

259. Go up to a employee ask for a application and where it says goals write down ‘to take over Wal-Mart’ and turn it in

260. Get a water gun and threaten someone with it. A cashier is usually a prime candidate. Then say in a low, dangerous voice (without collapsing into laughter) “Empty out the trash can. God it stinks!”

261. Take a soda, shake it up, and then spray it at people.

262. Hide in the clothes so when someone comes to look you yell, “PICK ME!”

263. Request that an employee find you an imaginary product, then keep saying: “I know it’s here somewhere, just keep looking!” Eventually the employee will run out of patience, so then you say: “You’ve been punked!” And run out screaming and laughing. (Maybe you won’t get kicked out, but you’ll freak an employee out…)

264. Print out a bunch of advertisements for Target, Marshalls, etc… Then calmly go around taping/gluing/stapling them to products, people, and walls. It helps to have a WHOLE lot of them.

265. Move things around. (Put frozen food in with the barbies, etc…)

267. If a fat person has a twinkies in their cart take it out and start eating it and spit it out on them and yell, “That crud is sick!”

268. Point at an old man and yell, “LOOK EVERYONE! IT’S BRITNEY SPEARS!”

269. Put a ski mask on and wear a black cape with black clothes and a fake sword and yell, “Zoro has returned!”

270. Dress up as an old lady and whack people with your purse and when employees come to stop you, pretend to faint

271. Go to Wal-Mart at 2:00 in the morning and do cartwheels around the store screaming, “I’m pregnant!”

272. . Put on a long wig and claim to be Pocahontas, that was a brought back to life with the power of rainbows and glitter.

273. Break some glass, then accuse a flying monkey

274. Threaten a cashier with a candy bar

275. Bring in scissors and glue. If anyone asks, tell them you are fulfilling your dream of giving Wal Mart a Make Over.

276.  Buy a bag of candy. Start to walk away, then ask if you can exchange them. Repeat until they get angry.

277. Go to the dairy section and protest against milking cows. Say things like, “What if the cows aren’t ok with us milking them? Cows have rights too!”

278. Redecorate the Rollback Smiley Face so he is green with neon pink eyes.

279. Go up to the manager and ask where the nearest K-Mart is.

280. If you see a couple holding hands, run through their hands and scream, “RED ROVER!”

281. Grab a gnome, then hide in a clothes rack and when someone picks out a shirt or whatever jump out and yell “The gnome did it! The gnome did it!” Then throw the gnome and run.

282. Put up free sample signs all over the store and watch people leave with their “free samples.”

283. Run around the store screaming, “OMG! HELP! PINTO BEANS ARE TAKING OVER COSTCO! AHHH!”

284. In Walmart, they give out free stickers. Take them and decorate your body with them.

285. Get a bunch of your friends, about 10 or more, and go up to a lady who looks like she’s in her 20′s. When there are lots of people around, ask, “Mommy? Can we have some ice cream?”

286. Spit in the manager’s face

287. Stare at a customer for a long time while saying, “Hello, hello, hello” nonstop until they get really mad

288. Go to customer service and say, “Your fat vallet guy stole my car.”

289. Put an “Out of Order” sign on the manager’s butt

290. Go up to customers and whisper, “Seven Days…” and if they turn around, pelt them with Skittles

291. Melt chocolate, then scream, “Free face masks!”

292. Wear a pair of bright yellow pants on your head and run around screaming, “They Got Me!!”

293. Slap the manager and scream, “He’s alive! He’s ALIVE!!!”

294. Put a lot of matches and gasoline in your cart, then smile at people

295. Run around the store five times, and when you are done, scream, “I WIN!” and do a victory dance

296. Let a collie lose in the store, then scream, “Lassie, come home!”

297. Make your friend that’s a guy try on girl clothes and then have him run around like a crazy person.

298. Hide in a boys clothes rack, and when a boy with glasses walks by, scream, “You’re a wizard, Harry!”

299. Grab lots of G.I. Joe action figures and Water Bombs and yell, “ITS WAR!!!” whenever someone walks by and throw the bombs at them

300. Put a Dora toy on the floor and when someone tries to pick it up, yell, “Swiper No Swiping!”

301. Buy a fake but expensive looking vase. (ex. a cheap glass pot.) Fill it with some ash and soot. Then take it to an employee, bump into him and drop it so it shatters. Then keep screaming at him that it was your mother and you will sue him for every thing he owns, and tell him he has to pick it up then and there or he will be cursed for 10 years.

302. Put a squirt gun in a stuffed elmo’s hand and scream, “Everybody down!! Elmo’s got a gun!”

303. Drive around in a kiddie car singing the batman theme song.

304. Run around with underwear on your head screaming, “I’m Blind!!!”

305. Run around the store with just your underwear, socks, shoes, and a cape on while yelling, "Don't worry, I'm a super hero! I'm here to save the day!"

306. Set a up a life sized pac-man game across all the isles (be dressed up as ghost and as pac-man)

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