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Hey all of you wattpaders, here are more ways to get kicked out of walmart! Enjoy!

66. While walking around alone, pretend someone is with you and get into a very serious conversation

67. Tape a walkie-talkie to the back of a Barbie doll and say to random people, “I know where you live…”

68. Attempt to drown in a kiddy pool…

69. Open up random packages in the toy aisle then walk off. If an employee asks what you’re doing, just say “I changed my mind.”

70. Run around Wal-Mart in a bathing suit singing the Surfin’ USA theme song

71. Say things like, “Would you be as kind so to direct me to your Twinkies?”

72.  If an employee comes within 30 ft scream “GET AWAY FROM ME!!!” Then run out of the store screaming

73.  Walk up to an employee and ask questions like how come this store is called wal mart? Or what’s up with your hair? Why do you people wear name tags can’t you all remember your own names?

74. Test the fishing rods and see what you can “catch” from the other aisles

75. Glare menacingly at anyone who comes within 40 ft of you. Then hiss like a snake and act like you’re going to bite them

76 Throw a fake rubber snake into some lady’s face and watch her freak out

77. Dart around suspiciously while humming the theme from “Mission: Impossible.”

78. While no one’s watching quickly switch the men’s and women’s signs on the doors of the rest room

79. Bring your pet pit-bull into Wal-mart. Act casual. If someone is brave enough to walk up to you and tell you to get out, simply reply “He’s going to help me pick out his favorite dog food”

80. TP as much of the store as possible

81. Dress up in a trench coat & wear sunglasses. Walk up to someone browsing and say “The rooster is in the nest” Wait for a reply. After they finish talking, hand them a cap gun and whisper “use this wisely.”

82. Go to the music aisle and start singing horrible karaoke

83.  Set all the alarm clocks to go off at ten minute intervals throughout the day

84. Go in to the camping department and enter a tent then tell random customers that they can come in if they bring a pillow from the bedding department

85.  Broadcast K-mart commercials over the intercom

86 Knock over all the shelves and run around screaming ‘EARTHQUAKE! EVERYON RUN!

87. find a pair of walkie talkies and have a conversation with your self when everyone is watching you

88. Go to the checkout and buy a bar of candy. Repeat, going to the same cash register, until the clerk notices

89. Grab heavy but not too heavy objects, and see who can throw them the most aisles over

90. Buy expensive stuff, go home and use white-out and a pen to change the price to something much lower, and the total much higher, then return and demand a refund

91. get a cardboard box, go in the store and pop out of the box and give out candy to passerby

92. Find the fish section and when someone walks by begin to pet the fish tank and say, “I know how you feel…”

93. Spill water on the floor, and run around claiming that the store is flooded

93. As the cashier runs your purchase over the scanner say “BEEP” in a loud voice. Repeat this for every item, and for other customers items

94. Scream really loudly and when someone tells you to be quiet scream, “I will not be silenced!!!!”

95. Hold a bag of frozen veggies over your head and yell “Fear me and my evil army of frozen carrots!!”

96. Hug someone randomly and say, “I love u mommy!”

97. Go in the undergarments section and ask random people if they think this will fit

98. Tie a plushie to one end of a string your ankle to the other end, and run around screaming “HELP! IT’S AFTER ME!”

89. Start yelling at the stuffed animals when there are people around

90. Grab some pampers Pull-Ups and while buying them yell at the clerk “Mommy, guess what? I’m a big kid now!!”

91. Go into the bedding department and with cookies in your hand lay on a bed then pretend ur having a nightmare about cookies and yell ” COOKIE!! COOKIE!!!! NOOOOOO!!!!” Then start rolling around

92. Make evil eyes at someone and start whispering, “I’m the little girl from the well… I’ve been waiting…”

93. Go to the cafeteria area and buy frys. Then stand by the door and when people walk through throw the frys above their head like there getting married

94. look at old people with wide eyes saying, “I see dead people!”

95. Get a tent ( With holes preferably ) and tell people to come in your lair. When they do chuck popcorn at them and ask them who invited them in

96. Ride around on those electric cars and pretend that your a prissy English Man. Say things like “Cheerio, good man.” to people who walk by. And don’t forget to have perfect posture.

97. Chase your friends up and down aisles trying to run over them with those electric cars. Make sure to tell your friends to act like they don’t know you.

98. Spend all your money riding on those little rides for toddlers. Fit the character; if you on a horse, then pretend that your a cowboy, etc. And if a little kid comes over wanting to use it, start barking at them until they run away crying.

99. Have silly string fights with a friend. Hide behind customers and “accidentally” hit the people instead of your friend.

100. Draw mustaches on all the pictures and mannequins.

101. Walk up to the customer service and when they say “Hello, how may I help you?” say “Yes, I’ll have a Quarter Pounder with cheese, one strawberry shake, a large order of french fries and a diet coke.” And when they start to talk, say “Oh, to go”. Then when they say that they can’t give it to you say “Oh, This is because I’m gay isn’t it? I’d expect this from McDonalds, but not Walmart

102. Get popcorn and throw at customers, sneaking up on them in an un stealth-like way, while yelling random things

103. Start to madly scratch yourself and walk up to people asking where the rash cream is because your family and all your friends seem to have a rash too.

104. When your alone, have loud conversations with your “multiple personalities”. Have an English man, a Southern person, someone from New York, a Grandma, and a 5 year old girl all at the same time. You have to use accents.

105. Start “dancing” like mad. Basically, just wail your arms and legs around like your having some kind of massive seizure.

106. Try on crazy costumes and walk casually through the store.


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