How to get kicked out of walmart

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This is a a list of how to get kicked out of walmart. Oh and watch this awesome vid that had me laughing so hard i almost peed my pants.

1. Do the freeze frame prank. Freeze in the isles.

2. Ask directions to k-mart

3. Walk up to a employee and say in a official tone "There's a code three in house ware."

4. Walk up to a group of people and just start laughing really loud. Then walk away like nothing happened.

5. (boys only) try on a bra in the middle of the store.

6. Exaggerate a trip. (works better if your holding something and throw it when you "trip")

7. Walk up to a complete stranger and say "Hey i haven't seen you in such a long time!" and see if they play along to avoid embarrassment.

8. Do the invisible rope trick in the isles. (pretend you are holding a rope across the isles.)

9. Pretend you are sleeping floor.

10. Run around in a batman costume screaming,"Come robin! To the batmobile!"

11. Walk into the bathroom stall, wait a few moments, then scream at the top of your lungs,"Theres no toilet paper in here!!!!!

12. Build a fort and throw balls at people who come near your fort.

13. When there is free samples eat or drink all of them. And take all the boxes of that stuff at that table of free samples.

14. Build a throne and scream at the top of your lungs,"Im the king of Walmart!!!!!"

15. Get a tricicle and ride it around the store screaming,"Yay!! My first bike!!!"

16. Get on top of a ladder and with a nerf gun and start shooting people with bullets.

17. Turn a cart over and put towels over it so they can't see in. when someone starts to open it, start yelling "Hey, I'm Using the Bathroom in here!!!"

18. Buy a chocolate bar, go to the bathroom, smear chocolate on your hand, reach under the next stall and ask, "Can I have some toilet paper?"

19. Take a fishing pole, tie it to a dollar, and go fishing for humans!

20.Climb up to one of the really high shelves and start singing Christmas carols at the top of your lungs. Works better around summer.

21.Get a mirror and put it on top of a cart so it lay across it. Get on top and have someone push you down an isle, and Sing "Surfin' USA"

22. When the intercom comes on, fall on your knees and scream in tears of joy, "God has spoken!!!"

23.Get on a bike and ride around and crash into everything and everyone who gets in your way.

24.Pour a bunch of lemonade from the entrance to the bathroom and come out saying someone should have told me where the bathroom was quicker!

25.Steal guns and ammo and shoot all the TV's you can find. whoever blows up most wins

26.Get an umbrella and have someone in a cart (or just a tall person) pour water on it while you sing Raindrops Are Fallin' On My Head.

27.Call the front desk and when they answer the phone say I'm sorry, your call could not be completed as dialed. Please hang up and try again. Then call and say I'm sorry, I will have to put you on hold. Can you call back? I'm busy on aisle 3.

28.Go into one of those employees only doors and go behind some food shelves. when people reach out to grab food, grab their arm and start to pull on it. all the ice cream boxes and then blame it on a worker with ice cream all over your face

30.Pour carrots on the floor so the employees have to pick it up. Continue doing it for a long period of time.

31. Skate around on a skateboard, then fall over and pretend to break your leg.

32.Start playing the violin.

33.Stare at a blank T.V, for an hour and when somebody asks what your doing, answer, "Shh, this is my favorite show!"

34.Stand on the conveyor belt at the check out with a barcode on your forehead.

35.Start saying stuff like argetrargrehargenstartgen to everyone who walks in.

36.walk around in dirty cloths and eat all the produce lika a bum

37.Poke people and run away screaming, "Don't touch me!!!"

38.Stare at people for a minute and then smile at them happily

39.Beat your chest and run around screaming like Tarzan.

40. Throw stuff on the floor and start yelling at an imaginary friend.

41.Shoot spitwads at people and then fall on the ground laughing hysterically

42. Go into a bathroom that is of the opposite gender of yourself and open the stalls saying, "Ooh la la!"

43.Walk up to random people, give them a hug, and say, "I love you!"

44.Dress up as an old man and start stealing stuff

45.Start a fire, then sit around it with your friends in Indian clothes.

46.Walk around in a court jester costume

47.Run at people with a pitch fork

48.Pretend that you're having a heart attack

49.Throw tomatoes at people and then tackle them

And here is my FAV way is.......... number 50

50. Run around the store pushing a friend in a cart yelling "THE BRITISH ARE COMING! THE BRITISH ARE COMING!" Over and over again!

And remember.........





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