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155.Attach strings to you your friends and use them as puppets. Use them to kick random people. Then say "What? The puppets have a mind of their own. I'm just keeping then stood up."

156. Game day! Put on football gear and set up a football game with a whole bunch of friends in the sports isle.

157.Put a Golden ticket in a chocolate bar then you open it in the store then you hold the ticket up in the air and yell at the top of you lungs. "I got the golden ticket! I'm going to into Willie Wonka's factory!" Then grab a whole bunch of wonka candy and start throwing them at random people.

 158.Dress up like someone from the store then when someone ask for help say NO GET AWAY FROM ME! Then slap them.

159. Get on the intercom and calmly say, “Attention shoppers. I would like to inform you that the world is about to end, and that there’s a sale on isle two.”

160.Buy a carton of vanilla ice cream, run up to the cash register, tell the cashier you forgot your money, then start dancing like Napoleon Dynamite, screaming, “Where’s my chap stick?!”

161. Pretend to be Spiderman by running up walls and trying to save people

162. Claim isle three as your ‘Secret Lair’

163. Run around the store singing the My Little Pony theme song as loud as you can.

164. Get a giant Christmas stocking and hop around in it like it’s a potato sack on field day

165. Build a wall out of stuffed animals

166. Put on a cape and run around singing the Phantom of the Opera

167. Yell curse words at people

168. Knock down as many displays as you can

169. Go up to a random old guy with white hair and say, “I want Bratz for Christmas! Thank you Santa!” and then give him a hug and run away.

169. Dress up in a super villain costume and then go around the store yelling, “MARRY ME!” to random people

170. Go up to a tough looking guy and push him and say you wanna fight? And when he pushes back start to cry and run away

171. Point to a cash register and ask the cashier, “How much is that?”Get a tent and campout with the Barbie dolls in the toy isle

172. Point to a cash register and ask the cashier, “How much is that?”

173. Chew gum loudly in people’s faces

174. Throw a poke-ball at someone and yell, “PIKACHU, I CHOOSE YOU!”

175. Turn on all the flashlights, hang them from the ceiling, stand under them, scatter confetti at your feet, and start singing, using a Barbie as a microphone.

176. Play baseball in the middle of the store, then score a home run and run around the store screaming.

177. Flirt with someone, plan a date, and then break up with them, all in 10 minutes.

178. Get a cart and pile it high with items. When the cashier tells you the price, exclaim, “What a rip off!” And walk out of the store.

179. Start singing, “Tinkle, tinkle, little star! In a toilet that’s real far! Up above us in the sky! It’s weird to learn that pee does fly! Make sure it does never land! In my, my, my, my, my hand!”

180. Find all the beans you can and put them in your cart, and then tell random people that it’s your breakfast, lunch, and dinner for the next couple years.

181. Pay for your stuff with all pennies, and then come up one too short.

182. Scream, “Look! Someone’s stealing an old lady’s purse!” and when they look away, take all the stuff in their cart and throw it around the store shouting “I’m a terrorist!”

183. Run out of the dressing room screaming, “Michael Jackson has my dad!”

184. Go to the pet isle. Point to a fish and say, “I’ll have that one. And that one. And that one…” Keep going until you’ve pointed to every fish they have in stock

185. Tap dance through the store

186. Change the music on the intercom to Mexican

187. Rip open every package you see

188. Get on a bike and have your friend chase you. Pretend you are going to run over somebody and then move out the way.

189. Stand in front of the security camera and pretend to die (dramatically)

190. Scream “SECURITY!” as loud as you can. When they come up act all panicky and say “This is really important!” Then smile and say, “Hi.”

191. Sing “Mary Had A Little Lamb” as loud as you can in the music section, then smile and say “Well, it’s the music section so I thought you might like some live music.” Then sing it again.

192. Run around with underwear on your head, screaming, “I am Captain Underpants!”

193. Follow a male security dude and ask him where the “feminine needs” are.

194. Go to the toy isle, set up the GI joe figures and yell, ” Then it’s WAR!!!”

195. Pull down your pants next to a flower display and “water” the flowers.

196. Go to the bakery section and yell “I LOVE PIE!” to everyone you see.

197. Take all the pets out of their cages, including the fish.

198. Grab a strawberry shortcake doll and go to the bakery section. Tell the baker “I’d like to buy strawberry shortcake!” and hold the doll in their face.

199. Scream, “GET OUT OF MY YARD!” to everyone who walks by you.

200. Announce that there’s a huge sale at Target

201. Throw a party in a busy isle

202. Test drive lawn mowers

203. Have a tennis tournament in the middle of the store

204. Throw all the bouncy balls in the toy section everywhere and let them bounce around

205. Carry a bomb and make it explode

206. Eat a bunch of candy and refuse to pay for it


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