Chapter 16

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Chapter 16

Katie's P.O.V

The man gave me a disgusted look and turned around.

"You need a key to get out of here and only I have that key. Believe me, you'll never get it. My name is Hunter by the way." He says and walks away, as I watched him descend down the hall I noticed the keys jangling in his back pocket. This was going to be easier then I thought.

After he was gone I stood up and walked down the hallway to where he had walked to and I came across a bedroom. I entered only to see that hunter was not in here but I looked over at the dresser and saw the keys sticking out from behind a few books.

I quickly went over and grabbed the keys but before I could turn around, I felt a piece of metal pressed against the back of my head and I realized it was a gun. I didn't turn around I just stood absolutely still.

"I would put that back if I were you," Hunter says and I immediately place them back.
"Now that's a good girl." He presses the gun harder into the back of my head.

"Oh I'm sorry am I interrupting something?" I hear someone say from the door and I feel hunter take the gun away from my head and spin around.

I turn around too and see a man maybe the same age as Hunter. The man has spiked brown hair and dark brown eyes, he also had a little stumble on his face.

For some reason, Hunter grabs my waist and pulls me closer to him and I could feel him digging the gun into my back where the guy couldn't see.

"Oh uh hey Isaac, I didn't expect to see you here today. I was just talking to my maid here, I was telling her that the bathrooms need to be cleaned better." Hunter easily lies to the man named Isaac.

"Okay man but it looked a little more than that so I'll give you two your alone time." The guy says and then smirks at me. He turns to go in the direction of the living room, and I hear hunter sigh with relief.

"Alright. I do not want to hear a word out of you at all, Isaac is one of my good friends but he doesn't know about the gangs and all of that so do not get him involved or I will actually kill you. All he needs to know is that you are the maid that's it. No giving him your name." Hunter says sternly and I nod. "Okay maid go and fetch us some beers." He tells me and then he leaves. I look around and notice that he was smart enough to take the keys.

I walk out of the room and go across the hall to see that this was the kitchen. I grabbed two beers and for a second I stared at the knives, maybe if I could just grab I can't, I'm not a killer. But the knives are right there.... No, no, no just bring the beer to the guys like you were asked to. I ignored my bad thoughts and instead picked up a piece of paper and wrote my name and to call for help, just in case I got a chance to slip it to the guy.

I turned the corner and just as I did I crashed into someone which made the bottles break and beer spilled everywhere. I looked up to see Isaac standing there and not wanting to talk to him, I bent down and started picking up the glass from the bottles.

"I'm really sorry," I mumbled and he bent down to help me.

"No that was my fault, didn't see you coming," Isaac says and I decided that this was my opportunity to give him the paper. I reached into my pocket and just as I was handing him the paper, Hunter came and snatched it out of my hand.

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