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Before the story starts let me introduce my self. I'm white, 5,5, B cup boobs, I'm a lil thick but it's whatever. I'm a country girl. My main is Sabrina. My other best friend is KJ. The 3 of us have been together since 5 grade. That's all you need to know.


Well since school was finally over and there was no sign of Sabrina or KJ so I gotta walk home I would call them but maybe Sabrina finally grew some balls and told him how she feels.
-my phone cut me out of my thought-
" hey baby I miss you"  Dillian cooed over the phone. Since he is in Tennessee he has only called me ounce an that was the conversation we are  having now the only reason I haven't called him is because he told me not to that he will call me he said to not even text him. KJ thinks he s cheating on me but I'm not gonna believe it till I see it. He has to stay in Tennessee for another week and it sucks.

" are you even listening" he raised his voice at me over the phone.

" look cracker idk who you raising your voice at but I know damn good an well you ain't talking to me" I said yeah y'all probaly thinking -why the fuck is she getting so mad- well I hate it when people disrespect me Idgaf who they are.

"We need a break" he mumbled but I heard him loud and clear and it broke my heart I don't wanna break! Hell he has always been gone so much these past couple of months! so this is basically a break

" wtf do you mean we need a break! I have barley even seen you these past couple of months and you wanna break! Dillian I fucking love you but I feel like I put more time into our relationship more than YOU do! You wanna break well you got one and don't call or text me until you get yo mind right!" I said full of anger

" NO- ". BEEP cut him off since I hung up before I could here his bullshit.
I gotta let him go if you love them set them free if it's meant to be they will come back right??

I'm KJ I'm Mexican an black, about 6,4 in hieght, Sabrina an Heather or my best friends. We been together since 5 grade. They the closest to fam I got.
Anyway back to the story.

since Sabrina was pissed off I instantly knew what would make her feel better all it takes us or me to take her to Brusters and have a lil movie date at my house just me and her that always makes her happy.

"You ready for this movie" I said holding up a horror movie called THE CONJURING 2

"You already know" she said getting under the blanket and holding her ice cream cone. I don't know why she always has to watch a horror movie with a blanket. I remember the first time I ever watched a horror movie with her and Heather. I was 11 Sabrina was the same age and Heather was 10


"Y'all wanna watch the seed of chucky" I said Cause I was bored and we where all chillin at my house.

"Sure go make some popcorn " they said "make sure it's a lot cause we eat a lot" Sabrina added

"Ok" I said popping in the movie while they watch previews I made 2 bags of popcorn put it in a giant bowl and brought it to them.


" AAAAAAHHHHHHHH" we screamed

"I need a blanket"Sabrina an Heather said

"Why do you need a blanket?" I asked pausing the movie

" cause I feel safe under a blanket" Sabrina said.

"AAAHHHH" they screamed again and this time Sabrina literally jumped in my lap.

"Sabrina an KJ sittin Ina tree k.i.s.s.i.n.g " she chanted Sabrina got off my lap and hit Heather.


"Eww look at that raggedy ass bitch" I said with my ghetto girl voice

"Yass girl she ain't got no edges" Sabrina said we both busted out laughing.


By time the movie was over Sabrina fell asleep on my shoulder. Which made me smile. I hope I could wake up to this beautiful face everyday!! I quickly got snapped out of my thoughts when Heather busted in MY house yellin an shit


" Get you ass up and get ready" I said to Sabrina

" why" Sabrina asked looking at me like she seen a ghost

"Cause we are going to a party" I exclaimed "just us though sorry KJ but we need a girls night since both of us are SIIIINNNGGGLLLEEE" I said yellin an dancin

" Heather I know you are not for real right now are you okay" she said " you know if you need to wallow me an KJ are right here!" She said

" Gurl calm yo self . I'm just fine without him I ain't about to tell you again get dressed Ima pick you up at 9:00" I said yeah I was sad that we are done with and I want to fucking ball my eyes out he was my first love no we never had sex we have gotten close but never have. Anyway I'm not gonna cry over a boy no matter if he completely ripped out my heart and stomped on it. I'm just ready to get to the party get high and drunk an have a good time.


"Girl calm yo self I'm just fine without him." Heather said " I ain't about to tell you again get dressed and I'll pick you up at 9:00" and with that he left. I'm not gonna make her let out her feelings cause she would never say anything if you rushed her I just gotta make sure that when she call I'm there.

" KJ you are going to the party to but she can't see you." I said " But I can tell your way ahead of me" I said lookin at him picking out his outfit. He already new what's up we aren't dumb we know when heaters hurt and if y'all are wondering why I said he was coming is because Heather will get drunk and do stupid shit an Ima need somebody to help me deal with her cause I don't have patience plus I know he won't drink unless he can so he will also be our ride home.

" can you take me home so I can get ready " I said when I realized it was 7:30

"Yeah come on" he said grabbing his keys to the car




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