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Anonymous POV

She just don't know that I'm coming for her! Yeah I know about her little twins two. Ima get them all. That's what her daddy get for messing with me an her little boyfriend was in it two oohh. Ima hurt them so much. I'm going to take the thing yet love the most SABRINA! Yeah I going to take her twins two just for some fun!

KEITH POV (Sabrina dad)

Everyone was having a great time! Yeah I've seen how well Sabrina has been doing with the twins. She hasn't had any problems or questions. I think se can keep them. You know what?? she is going to keep them.

" I have an announcement to make" I said standing up

" Now Sabrina I have seen how amazing your doing with the twins. They seem to love you very much you love them to." I said " an they've grown on me to. So what I'm saying is...
YOU CAN ADOPT THEM!" I said an everyone cheered I hope I made tha right decision.


" YOU CAN ADOPT THEM!" My dad yelled I jumped up picked up my girls and swung them around when I put them down they talked so much they where so excited. Honestly so was I.

" that means your our mommy" Elizabeth said

" yes bby" I said

" and your our daddy" Brooklyn said pointing to KJ

" yes ma'am!" He said excited he picked them up an kissed their cheeks

" I'm your God momma" Heather said " just call me goddie" she said smiling and kissing their cheeks.
Then I heard
I quickly got on top of Brooklyn an Elizabeth. An held on to them tight
Then everything went dark.

Ohhhh what happened??

Who did it??

What did Keith do??

What did KJ do??

Show my book some love

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