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Sabrina POV

I went home instead of the hospital. I don't care what y'all say :
1) we haven't showered
2) we Need food
3) we need sleep
4) don't like hospitals

I wasn't about to be left alone so Heather stayed with me. We walked into the house

" I'll cook y'all dinner go take your showers" she demanded

" ok " I said plainly. The Girls haven't said anything. I'm The only person they've talked to. Which is understandable

I stripped the girls and slowly bathed them. They have bruises everywhere. I know it hurts. -that's why I bathed them slowly - I washed their hair. By time I was done with them dinner was done. We ate in silence.

After we ate Heather offered to do the dishes. Ounce again we didn't say anything. I put the girls in my bed and turned on Spongebob.

" No don't leave us pwease!" They pleaded.

" I have to take a shower." I said " I'll lock the door and the window. If I do that will y'all be ok?" I asked (even though the window was already locked)

They nodded their head slowly. So I walked to the door. locked it. Then walked to the window. An pretended to lock it. Then got a towel an rag. Stripped out of the dirty clothes that I had. An took a 15 min shower. I got out put on a sports bra, underwear, shorts. An A oversized t-shirt. Then layed in the bed with the girls. We let sleep take us over.

Hey guy's! Sorry it's been awhile! And sorry it's short. Just a filler.

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