thank you

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There is not enough variety of words to express my gratitude. The support you've all shown for this book and towards each other in the comments is incredible. I couldn't have asked for a better audience, and I appreciate every single one of you.

If you're at a point in life where you're unhappy with your body, keep your chin up. Change for yourself; don't conform to society's expectations. We're all unattractive to someone but we're all beautiful to someone else. It's all a matter of opinion, and your own opinion is the only one that matters. We come in different shapes and sizes because all of us looking the same way would be boring. You don't have to change to be loved. You're perfect with all your imperfections. 

I've attached a Slam Poem above by Savannah Brown on YouTube. I'm not kidding when I say I cried towards the end. It's incredibly inspirational, and she says everything other people are afraid to. So maybe you can watch it if you're feeling down.

And if anything, I care about all of you. People often say that to be nice, but I sincerely mean it. If you ever need someone to talk to or just to have someone listen, my inbox is always open. I reply to every single message, and I'll hear you out. 

I don't want to be overly sappy, but just know that I mean every word I've said. Your support is beyond me, and it's only fair to show you I'm beyond grateful. Spread love and kindness to those who surround you and to yourself. We need more people who care in the world. 

I'm excited to share all of my future stories to any of you who are willing to keep putting up with me, haha! The story the excerpt is from in the Q&A will be up very soon! Love you all lots <3333

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