Chapter Twenty One~Beastly

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TRIGGER WARNING: This chapter contains the sensitive topic of rape. Viewers discretion is advised.

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The next week the crew spent the majority of their time in taverns and bars as they sought for members to their crew. Nassau was a wonderland of pirates and scum alike, drunks and harassers and whores. Most of the crew had quite a joyous time among those similar to themselves, although the occasional bar fight sprung up every now and again. Marianna kept herself isolated as far as possible from these rowdy groups, instead staying by the ship most nights to watch it. Occasionally Carlisle and other members would guide a prospective comrade to the ship and allow them to ogle the vessel. Marianna kept out of the way most of the time, although didn't waste a chance to brag about her favorite Caravel.

Carlisle often visited during the evening. To the crew he was only checking on the welfare of the ship and the young Percy to make sure everything was taken care of, but often it was to share words with the female crew member. She didn't mind.

"What will the new crew think of having a woman on board, do you think?" She asked. The week had passed and after mandatory protocols had been taken care of, Carlisle had announced to her that they'd be leaving that next morning.

"They won't take it kindly... but it's your responsibility to tell them. And pray you don't tell them too late."

"I'll tell 'em as soon as possible. You may lose most of them. Or all."

"Aye." Carlisle said, his gaze dropping to the boards. He didn't say anything else. Marianna understood; she wouldn't know what to say either.

"Regardless," she finally broke the silence. "I'll win them over. Somehow I'll do it." The two pirates exchanged one last look before Carlisle rose to his feet and made his way back into Nassau and its taverns.

The morning of the next day held entirely new expectations for Marianna. Upon her shoulders was a weight that seemed greater than that of even the Caravel itself, but she forced herself through its stress as she prepped the ship for that morning. She did not have much time to her own thoughts before the crew made its way from Nassau's center toward the ship, many unfamiliar faces among those of her crew. She supposed they were all her crew now.

As they boarded the ship she was met by either distrustful gazes or lopsided grins of the scruffy men. A shudder ran through her as she dipped her head to the newcomers. Perhaps she shouldn't go through with this...

While the new crew made themselves situated, Marianna suddenly became aware of a presence behind her.

"I help man the sails," she said in the most authoritative voice she could manage. "And I serve as lookout."

"Really now?" An unfamiliar voice, scratchy and coy asked. "Yer the Percy lad, aye? Been hearin' things about you. Ye're the Quarter Master of this ship, if I'm told correctly..."

Marianna turned ever so slightly to catch a glimpse of the disheveled man behind her. His golden-gray beard hung in frays down to his collarbone, and although he was lanky she could detect the outlines of muscle under his shirt and vest. His odor almost overwhelmed her, but she kept her wits. "Aye. What were you hired for?"

"Surgeon. The name's Jack." He said.

She finally turned and extended her hand. "Good to meet ya, Jack." He shook her hand, grinning at her before releasing and letting his hands and arms fold over his chest.

"Well then... I suppose I'll just get back to work here." She murmured awkwardly, then spun and tried to busy herself with the sails, checking the structure absentmindedly. Behind her she heard Jack snort before his quieting footsteps told her he was walking away. With a breath of relief, she allowed her shoulders to slump.

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