Chapter Four~Bell of the Ball

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Chapter Four~Bell of the Ball

Word of the wedding spread like a wildfire. It was the talk of the street, at least wherever the rich folk walked. Other than that, those that were less wealthy couldn’t care less. To be honest, the relatively same thing could be said about Marianna and her thoughts on the whole ordeal. People she didn’t even know were congratulating her, and talking about her future. It was an extremely uncomfortable feeling, and she wished herself to be rid of it as soon as possible. She hoped that, eventually, the news would lapse into nothing but an uncommon murmur.

That may have been the case as well if it weren’t for the ball the Governor was eagerly throwing in celebration. Now that was something that nobody would shut up about. Marianna’s father had thrown celebrations like so before, but none quite as large. There had been birthdays, political meetings, but never a betrothal. It caused quite a stir in Kingston, hardly anyone, even the poor, could stop talking about it.

Everyone and their mother had been invited, this largely due to the fact that the Governor couldn’t be happier about the wedding. His joyous attitude followed him wherever he went, and seemed to increase when he was around the lovely couple.

After Marianna first heard the news, he had made it his goal to keep the two together as much as possible. Marianna obliged, of course, given that she didn’t have any other choice in the matter. She attended every breakfast, every dinner, every lunch that her father had arranged for her. Eventually he didn’t even need to arrange the meetings, for Benedict had begun taking her out independently.  

Marianna enjoyed it, his company, that is. He was a fine man and any woman would be lucky to be under the care of his kindness. As days grew closer to the day of the ball, she found herself spending countless hours with her fiancée, and even felt the deep churning of emotions in her chest. Her affections for him had been increasing every time they met, but her subconscious always reminded her of what she truly wanted.

She didn’t discontinue her nightly endeavors to the harbor. In fact, she spent longer than ever with the ships each night and constantly awoke the next mornings with fatigue as her company. Marianna knew her time was limited, and soon she would have no choice but to stop her endeavors and fall under the stereotypical role of a woman. Benedict had said he’d try to fulfill her wishes, and even though he wasn’t as sexist as many of the Navy men were, she highly doubted he would ever approve of her whimsical fantasies of the sea. Then again, the only reason why he would disapprove would be solely because she is a woman. She dreaded the day she became his wife.

Benedict, however, couldn’t be happier with the arrangement. The longer he spent around Marianna, the harder he fell for her careful wit and the kindness of her heart. Many times they would find each other in a silly argument, mocking each other with words they might’ve said when they were children. He enjoyed her tenacious humor, and the way her eyes glimmered whenever she was in the moonlight. Some nights when he took her out to enjoy the starry sky, he found himself staring at her pale skin. The way she tilted her head back in the night’s breeze so it brushed her hair out of the way of her face, and the manner in which she spoke, like she had lived another life.

Sometimes he would ask her to tell him one of her stories. Of course she hadn’t any legitimate tales that were worth his attention, but that is when the two would play pretend. It shouldn’t be encouraged, but he was so incredibly amused whenever she told him her made-up tales of sea captains and pirates, a little girl who died and became a star, and beasts below the sea. She told them with a sort of familiarity that she seemed to spawn from deep within. Many times she would close her eyes, as if imagining the scene in her head.

She was an adept storyteller.

However, whenever she told those stories, all she ever wished was for her body to be transported to that setting instead of the one she currently sat in. Marianna would never tell him this, though. No, it would be too rude and it would ruin their companionship. And that was the last thing they needed before the wedding.

Bloody MaryOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora