Chapter Six~Tortuga

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Chapter Six~Tortuga

“Land ho!”

It was the voice that knocked Marianna from her fifth night’s sleep. Gradually her eyes opened, and adjusted to her surroundings. The crew was adjusting the sails, lowering the stance to half sail. With a sore back from her sleeping position, she rose to her feet and began helping her mates loosen the sails.

The previous night she had slept at the bow of the vessel, as she usually did. Marianna found it much more peaceful than sleeping below deck in a room full of men, and the scent of the sea had become somewhat of an addiction to her.

“You see that, Perce?” Eddy pointed to a land mass just on the horizon. It grew larger with every passing minute. “That there’s Tortuga.”

She averted her gaze from Eddy’s face, and turned to the direction his finger gestured to. She continued adjusting the sails as she did so, registering the island in the distance. It was… well, it wasn’t home. From this distance, not much could be told, but the shape of the island was definitely different than that of Kingston.

“And this is where the Pirates go?”

“Aye, we’ll find you a good Captain. Bill has a few, ah,” he paused in search of word, then met Marianna with a devilish grin. “Acquaintances.”

“He keeps some questionable company, but nothing we haven’t been ‘round before.” Another member, Wilson, added to the conversation.

Marianna secured her rope to the post, tightening and knotting the material as to keep it from coming undone while sailing. She couldn’t keep her eyes off of Tortuga, she couldn’t stop imagining what it would be like once she stepped foot on the port.

Of course, it didn’t take too long. Despite Marianna’s growing impatience, the ship ported in little time. Her first step into Tortuga was a cautious one. It felt as if all eyes were on her, seeing through her mask, seeing that she wasn’t a man. Her heartbeat had increased alongside her nerves, but she kept her breathing natural as Bill and the others walked into the street, as if they’d been here dozens of times before.

For the short endeavor Marianna took past the harbor master, numerous taverns, markets, and prying eyes, she kept to herself. Not once were her eyes lifted from the ground before her. For if she showed the feminine glow of her eyes, she feared her secret would no longer be her own.

"Your man is in here, lad." Bill gestured to a pub that was dominated by music and hardy cheers within it. It sounded as if there was a party just beyond the walls. "Return to the ship, lads. I'll make sure Percy gets well acquainted with the Cap'n."

They gave short nods to Bill, turning to return their vessel, and conversation grew amongst them as they departed. Bill had already strode toward the tavern, and held the door open. He gestured for Marianna to follow. With a suddenly dry mouth, she did so obediently.

Upon entering the tavern, jovial sounds of drunkards and music filled her ears. It was ear shatteringly loud, so much that she had to restrain herself from covering her ears at the obnoxious noise. This was an environment that would take some time getting used to. Though she couldn't help but feel their laughter and joy was contagious. Even as wenches sat on the laps of rugged men, flirting away, and in the corner of the dimly lit room a minor bar fight had taken place, she found the obtrusive environment refreshing. It was a major change from her calm home life, but it was a change she had already begun to enjoy.

"See there? That's yer man, lad." Bill gestured to a table in the far corner where a mysterious figure sat. She had to squint in order to see clearly, given the room was only lit by a few candles that had long since burned to their nubs. Marianna took a minute, but as they continued approaching the man, his appearance became apparent.

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