Chapter Twenty Three~Bound

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Chipper moods and bright mornings were not to last for long. Marianna could see it- the way the mood dampened like the horizon grew somber with evening. It came slowly and faded into one's day as though it had always been there, only just hovering outside of visibility. But she could see it and the storms brewing on the horizon.

"Well, aren't you just a cheery sight?" Carlisle's warm whisper brought some calm to her mind. She turned her head ever so slightly to catch her captain in her peripheral. The sight of him made a smile curl her lip.

"I can't help it. I'm just bursting with glee." He laughed at her monotone and his laugh made her laugh.

"I can tell." Carlisle said. "I can also tell you're looking better, but how are ye actualling feeling?"

She faced him. He had relaxed on the edge of the ship with folded arms, an eyebrow lifted in expectation.

"What are you talking about?"

"I'm talking about that ruckus a few months back concerning... Your personal privacy."

"You mean my virginity?" Marianna snorted. "What happened has happened, Carlisle. Let's leave it at that, hmm?"

He pushed himself off of where he was relaxed. Suddenly he was only a hair's length away from her. "Let's not. I'm not an unkind man, Mary, and not at all unkind to a woman I have affections for. Perhaps I could not be at your side to care for you as much as I would have liked directly after, but I am here to tell you I care for ye and your well being."

"Careful. You don't want to draw attention to us, do you?" Marianna's eyes flicked to the deck where the crew lounged. Some swabbed the canons, others sat back and relaxed in the afternoon sun humming a tune. None of the crew set eyes upon their quartermaster and captain, nor did they notice how close the two were.

"Blast them, I don't care if they know it. Eddy has already confronted me and I told him it was so." His next step brought him into contact with Marianna. A hand lifted to brush the sandy strand that hung just above her collarbone, slowly brushing it back. The sensation brought chills to crawl up her back.

"Y-you told Edward?"

"Aye, and he can tell the whole crew for all I care."

"When did this conversation turn to you expressing your feelings? Was this your intention or were you actually concerned about my well being as you said?"

Carlisle's hand froze above her shoulder and slowly lowered to grasp its curve in his rough hand. He squeezed, then lowered his hand to his side and took a step back. "I wasn't lying, I do care. The moment you stepped on this ship I knew ye were going to bring something to this ship that no other mate could. Ye're intelligent, more than most. You know the proper handlings of a ship at such a young age. You certainly make up what you lack in experience with knowledge. Had I known you were a woman then I'd be telling you such things sooner, and that bastard never would have been able to lay a hand on ye."

"You would have been preoccupying me with other activities then?"

They were silent for a moment. Only the sound of rocking waves against the hull of the ship to fill the emptiness. It did not last for long, however. Marianna was grinning ear to ear before the words had even left her mouth. She could've laughed aloud at the shock etched on Carlisle's face.

"You little... Vixen!" He swept forward suddenly, his arms wrapping securely around Marianna and heaving her over his shoulder. Her giggles and gasps did nothing to urge Carlisle to let her down, even though the playful antics of the two had drawn some eyes, both disapproving and humored, he sauntered his way across the deck of the ship with his noisy luggage in tow.

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