Chapter Eight~An Upgrade

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Chapter 8~An Upgrade

Over the course of the next few days (the time it took the crew to return to Tortuga's port), the crew of the vessel began to see Marianna as more than just the scrawny boy that she appeared to be. After her little stunt in Kingston, she was a hero. After they counted their coin, she was a God.

No man could overcome the fact that the 'street rat' had successfully broken into the Governor's home, and had robbed him blind! Marianna took incredible joy at their newfound attitude toward her, even though the attitude they previously paid to her hadn't been at all resentful, she still enjoyed the appreciation they displayed. The only thought that could ever sour her mood was concerning them discovering her secret, but she made sure that even if they did discover who she was, she'd give them no choice but to continue to consider her a good pirate.

Maybe even a great pirate, but she had a feeling that that time wouldn't be for a long while. Right now she was simply content with working the sails, swabbing the deck, and embracing the feel of the sea.

Carlisle saw this, and had actually been observing her the entire journey to Tortuga. He got to know her, asking about her old life in Kingston, her past job experience, and why she preferred the sea to the alternative. The lies she fed him were taken in earnest by the Captain, and the lingering guilt she felt for doing so quickly dissipated. Actually, she grew quite proud of her tale. It was as adventurous as she hoped for, fibbing about how she had once been a street peasant that broke into strangers houses to steal their goods, just so she could feed her poor family. When the people's money lessened, she told him that she took the risk of turning to the Governor's riches, but took them in small proportions that could pay for what she needed when she needed it. Then the guards threatened her for standing up for a person they had been cruelly bullying, and she took to the seas.

This lie had also captured the crew's attention. The fact that they thought she was a skilled thief put them on edge, but then again, they also realized she had only stolen for noble reasons and stole humbly.

Marianna was definitely a skilled story teller.

When she told Carlisle of her love for the sea though, that was all in truth. She spoke from the heart when she described to him in great details the joys it gave to her, and how that, if she had had the choice at the time, she would've started sailing much earlier in her youth. In fact, such a time was just like the present, with Marianna and Carlisle sharing their stories.

The sun had long since set on their fourth day of sailing, and Tortuga was soon to be expected just around the corner. Like usual, Marianna had taken place at the bow of the ship that night, reluctant to retire to her actual sleeping quarters. Carlisle, also awake at the time, observed her from the window of the Captain's Quarters. He watched her climb to the bow of the ship, until she was in such a position that a single step would take her plummeting into the sea. He knew this already, but he still couldn't get over how gutsy she was, as if her fear was nonexistent.

Curiously, Carlisle stepped out of the Captain's Quarters and onto the deck. The sweet sea breeze welcomed him in a chilled embrace, one which he accepted with a pleasant smile before making his way over to Marianna.

"If we hit a wave, then you're a goner, lad." She peered over he shoulder at the Captain, giving a quick nod of acknowledgement to his words.

"Aye," she said. "But the waves are small. The waters are calm."

A faint smile tugged at Carlisle's lips. He's got me there.

"So, do you come out here every night?"

"Aye." Marianna answered. Her eyes were set on the waves, and she swore she could see shapes moving beneath the ripples.

He doesn't talk much... The captain thought again, but he didn't let her passiveness bother him. Everybody had a right to their own voice, even if the British Government thought otherwise.

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