Chapter Nine~In Need Of A Crew

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Chapter Nine~In Need Of A Crew

"Lad, do you know about the responsibilities being Quartermaster brings?"

"Of course, Captain."

They still sat at their respective spots, across from each other with newly placed pints before them. Carlisle's was nearly empty while Marianna had hardly downed an ounce.

"Tell me," he began in a curious tone. He lifted his mug, swishing around the liquid contained inside. "Where did you learn what you know about ships?"

"Black-Tooth Bill." She replied easily. A little too easily for Carlisle's taste, but perhaps it was just his suspicion making out everything to be a possible threat.

"Mate, you should know that my Uncle isn't that versed in the world of vessels. While he knows which way is up and down, he ain't knowin' which ship is which." He tipped the rest of his pint back, swallowing it's contents whole. The mug slammed down on the table, acting as emphasis for his next words. "So tell me lad, where did you learn 'bout ships?"

Marianna swallowed her trepidation, but it still kindled like a newly born fire on dry leaves. This entire conversation had her palms sweating, acting as clouds that transpired rain. "I uh..." He was becoming suspicious, she could sense it. Marianna was smart, cunning, even. At the time she would've thought about lying and telling Carlisle that her father was a Captain at a point, but then she would have to create an entirely new story for that family member. Instead of going through the hassle of lying, and what it would entail, she told the truth. "Books."

Carlisle arched an eyebrow. "You educated then?"

"Yes," she gave a curt nod. Marianna's gaze had been cast downward as she took a sudden interest in the make of the table.

"How does a poor beggar boy like-"

"The Governor had a collection that I'd steal whilst on my endeavors." This time she rose to meet his gaze, seeking for acceptance of her interruption; she wanted to get this conversation over and done with. Luckily, he showed no grudge toward the action.

"You taught yourself then?"

"No, my mother did." Well, it wasn't a complete lie. "I'd bring books, she'd teach me how. Before she began her life on the streets, she was fairly wealthy. My father died, she went broke, and you know the rest." Marianna flippantly waved her hand, and then outstretched it to take a distracted gulp of her ale. It tasted bitter in her mouth, but all of a sudden her nerves could use it. Perhaps it would ease her anxiety.

"Quite a family history you've got there."

"Yeah, well I'm not asking you 'bout yours, so asking me 'bout mine is doing you no good. Unless you're trying to cause me discomfort." She tilted the mug back, downing a good half of the mug. It surprised both Carlisle and Marianna, but her nerves and her emotions had become mingled in an unruly scrap. Her annoyance at her captain's tenacious questioning put her on edge, she didn't like it. That, and whenever the word 'family' was brought up, she couldn't help but think of her actual mother and father. Not to mention, sometimes she actually thought about Benedict. It was more than she'd like to admit.

Carlisle could see, as could anyone else who would've bothered to be involved in the conversation, that he had hit a sore spot. Marianna had, after all, shared that she had to leave her 'family' against her will. Carlisle didn't know whether to believe her or not, but he'd seen in her eyes the sore spot he had hit, so he kept his mouth shut and secured. After Marianna took another drink, she looked to her captain.

"You need a bigger crew," was all she commented.

"The one we have is fine as it-"

"As your Quartermaster," Marianna emphasized. "I would advise a larger crew. We need men to man the canons, men to work the sails. We need a cook, surgeon, navigator, boatswain, cooper, carpenter, and a master gunner. Do you have anybody on that ship eligible for those jobs?" A sudden urge took over Marianna to take another drink. She would need it if she were to handle a captain like this.

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