Chapter 2

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After spending half and hour in the hall, we finally got out of the hall. Each student was given their time table and a map of the college. I walk around with my friend Elina as I stared at the map.

"We are lost, aren't we?" Elina said. She crossed her arms and stood in front of me.

"Of course not! I am sure it's....." I looked around. "Anyways, I am sure our class is around the block." I said while dragging her with me.

"Karyn! I know how bad you are with directions! You always got lost back in school!" Elina said. Once again, she stood in front of me.

I took a deep sigh and folded the map. "I guess we are lost." I said as I gave up. I had to admit that I was pretty bad at directions.

Elina giggled and pat my head. "Don't worry we can ask for help. There are a lot of people out here to help us." She said.

"Don't pat my head! " I shouted. I slapped her hands away. God! I hate when people pat my head. Elina giggled and asked some students to help us out with the directions.

I looked into the map again when I saw William walking towards us with his friend.

"Hey, need help?" William asked.

"No thanks." I said.

"Dude!" Elina shouted. She slap my forearm and looked at them. "Yes, could you help us find block W, class 3-B." Elina requested.

"That's exactly where we are going. Come on, we will help you." Alex said.

"Can we---" before I could complete what I was about to say, Elina covered my mouth.

"Thank you and please don't mind her. We will come with you. " Elina said.

The two nodded and started walking. I gave a small glare at Elina. Elina pulled her ear as she looked at me and mumbled 'sorry' Oh! There she used her powers! I frowned as I moved her hands from her ears and smiled a bit. Elina giggled and held onto my hand. Gosh! So evil of her. She knows very well that I can't be mad at anyone if they apologize. Before I realized, we already reached our class.

"Block W, class 3-B." William read out and looked at us.

"Thank you so much...umm..." Elina raised a brow.

"William, William Smith and this is my friend Alex." William said as he pointed at Alex. Alex waved at us both.

I forced myself to smile at Alex but I did not even bother to look at William.

"Nice to meet you William and Alex! My name is Elina and this is --" Before she told them my name, I covered her mouth and glared. Elina frowned and moved my hand away. "Anyways, we should probably go inside the class." Elina said.

I saw William smirking at me. "Someone get me out of this situation!" I mentally screamed to myself. While I was lost in my own wonder land, they walked inside the class. "How fast she was at making guy friends." I thought. I was always horrible at getting along with guys since I never really had guy friends. Any how, I walked inside the class when I heard Elina shout from the class.

"Hey! Over here!" Elina shouted while sitting on her seat which was near the windows.

I walked to the seat next to her and sat down. William and Alex sat right behind us. "God, why did he have to sit behind me?" I thought and played with my fingers. Elina turned around to have a little bonding time with William's friend, Alex.

William played with his blue pen and poked my cheek with it.

I got up and turned around. I looked at him with irritation all over my face. "Who gave you the permission to touch my cheek?" I asked as nicely as I could while gritting my teeth.

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