Clips 3-4

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"Shut the fuck up I'm trying to teach!"screamed the teacher angrily at the girls.

"How is getting into our personal lives teaching?",Craig questioned.

"Y-Yeah that's just -gah-creepy",Tweek agreed.

"It's rude to get into people's personal live's I mean c-come on," Jimmy stated.

"If you guys keep talking I'll stop showing the clips", the teacher said firmly.

"URUSAI UZAI!",one of the Asian girls shouted causing the whole class to get quiet.

"Thank you now I would like to show you some romance",the teacher said and played the clip.

Craig's guinea pig Stripe had just died and Craig was crying silently crying silently with his head down in his room.

"Craig?",Tweek called out to him softly while opening the door slowly, making a soft creeking noise.

"What?",Craig said still hiding his face in shame.

He did not want his boyfriend to see him cry.

"Craig,I don't ngh care t-that your c-cryi-",Tweet began.

"I'M NOT CRYING!",Craig screamed.

His eyes were bloodshot and red from crying. Tweek sighed and hugged Craig tightly.

"It's ngh going to be a-alright",Tween comforted him while rubbing his back softly.

"I love you",Craig said while hugging him.

"I love you too",Tweet smiled giving Craig a short kiss.


"AAAAAAAAWWWWW", Clyde and the girls echoed.

"That was so beautiful!",Clyde yelled while whipping a tear from his brown eyes.

"Calm down Clyde",Token said while rolling his eyes.

"Who knew Craig was so sweet under that face!?",BeBe said smiling.

Craig's POV:

I groaned. I bet everyone thinks I'm some mushy gushy sweetheart.

"Aren't they just adorable?",the teacher asked the class.

"No",I deadpanned.

"Shut the hell up no one asked you!", the teacher screamed at me causing Token,Tweek,Jimmy,and Clyde to snicker.

"Ha! you got yelled at!",Clyde shouted at me.

"I don't give a fuck!", I told him.

"Shut up Clyde, your always talking in my damn class!" the teacher yelled.

"I didn't say anything",Clyde lied.

"Get the hell out!",the teacher yelled and threw a stapler at Clyde.

The stapler hit Clyde right in his face causing him to cry, making him run out of the room.

"If I could hit Clyde in the face with a stapler I would be soooo happy", I stated.

"Now I can finish teaching, okay now I would like to show you a clip of Craig's father getting to know Tweek",the teacher said and played the clip.

No one's POV:

Tweek and Craig's father, Thomas were just sitting across from each other with no one else around at Craig's house.
Some people would describe this situation as awkward, and so would Tweek.

"So, what's wrong with you why are you shaking like that, you on cocaine?",Thomas asked with a eyebrow raised.

"N-No, I have ngh ADD!",Tweek yelled quickly.


There was a awkward silence. It was so awkward you could have probably heard crickets.

"Your Richard's son right?",Thomas questioned.

"Y-Yes ngh Sir",Tweak answered.

There was was another awkward silence.

"That was just awkward to watch",Token stated.

"Geugeos-eun keulig eosaeg haessda one of the Korean Asian girls stated.

Author's Note:

The first Asian girl said Shut up and the Korean Asian girl said, "It was creek awkward". Thank you for taking time out of your day to read my story, please vote and give feedback, thank you. Sorry this chapter was short.

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