Clips 15 and UH OH!

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The CLIP does not belong to me. I wrote the rest.

The Teacher was still laying on the floor with coffee burns and cuts she was breathing fast and struggling to get up off the cold hard floor.

"Bebe" she called out to her blonde female student with a weak voice while reaching her arm out.

"Hmm?" Bebe said looking down at her mean weak teacher.

"Play the clips."

"Okay" Bebe was just about to play the clips when the teacher tripped her. She fell roughly on the floor and grunted. The bucket of acid was a inch from falling on her. She stared at the pile of acid that was next to her and let out a sigh of relief and turned her attention toward the teacher.

"WHAT THE HELL!" Bebe screamed as she fastly stood up from the cold floor of the classroom, she almost fell back on the floor but quickly balanced herself.

"Damn I missed." The Teacher groaned in her weak voice and sighed.

"Were you trying to make that acid fall on me?" Bebe asked, still in shock from that experience.

"I missed." The Teacher simply stated.

"What the fuck is wrong with you! You need help, only a true psychopath would try to make acid get poured on her student, fuck you I'm not playing the clips!" Bebe yelled at the teacher and stepped on her on purpose as she walked off.

"Craig..." The Teacher called out to the chullo-wearing boy.

"What." Craig answered while rolling his blue eyes.

"Sweetie, can you please play the clips?" she said in the sweetest voice she could force herself to make.

"Hell No."

"What?" she said angrily trying to stand up but ended up falling back down.

"I don't wanna play the damn clips" Craig said simply.

The whole class gasped and Tweek just averted his eyes.

"Get out with your simple ass!" She screamed weakily while pointing her finger in the direction of Craig.


At that moment Butters creeked the door open softly and asked,

"Teacher, can I come back in the class?"

"Of course Leopald, um can you be a nice little buttercup and play the clips for your dear old teacher." The Teacher said while batting her eyelashes.

"Okay!" Butters agreed while nodding his head quickly.

"Butters, you dumb fuck" Craig mumbled under his breath and shaking his head slowly.


There were no city lights near and the sky was clear of most pollution. Not a cloud in sight. The stars twinkled on their dark backdrop. A few of the bright lights were planets and satellites that were close enough for the bear eye to see. Others were too far to tell but their light still found its way to earth. Tweek shivered at the expanding universe feeling it grow as time moved on. He tried to relax and work on overseeing their "picnic" space.

Tweek opened his backpack and pulled out a thin blanket He draped it over the stone and pulled out a few things from their café, like the doughnuts Craig liked and two large canteens of coffee for them to share. Craig set up his telescope on a large tripod as well as a camera with a large lens attached. The brunette moved quicker than usual, almost as with every step he was defying gravity. Tweek was worried that maybe Craig was going to suddenly fly out into the sky.

Craig laughed thinking it was a joke. "Idiot".

The moon failed to show up that night.

"I like it better that way" Craig commented when Tweek brought it up.

"There's less light for the shower to fight for." And he was right.

About an hour later the two were huddled on the boulder and Tweek had finished his first coffee. A curtain of lights began to form over the horizon. The lights blanketed the dark sky and joined the stars sparkling and dancing in the sky.

Craig rushed to his camera to begin recording. His smile was as bright as the heavens. Tweek twitched, nervous at the thought of flying space rocks hurling through the midnight air. He looked over at Craig to warn him about something but forgot what it was as he saw Craig working over his gear with such fascination. Instead of turning his gaze to the nauseating scene above him the blonde decide to watch Craig.

The first few sprinkles were nothing compared to the bright display that came later on. Craig gasped and jumped in the air!

"Holy fuck this is amazing!"

Tweek continued to watch in awe.

"Sure is." He mumbled shortly.

He sipped his coffee and peeked at the sky shortly through the telescope when Craig motioned him for his turn. Craig was nearly vibrating from such happiness.


"That sure was cute! Thanks for giving me this job, Teacher." Butters commented and thanked her.

The Teacher was now standing up and smiling.

"No Problem Leo!" She says happily and then turns her attention to Craig and frowned.

She ran towards him, her heels clicked on the floor as she ran. She grabbed Craig and growled.

"GET OFF ME!" Craig yelled trying to the push the teacher back but failed, The Teacher had a strong grip on him.

"DON'T YOU EVER TELL ME NO, YOU'LL PAY!" She screamed and started dragging Craig towards the acid that was spilled on the floor.

"S-STOP!" Tweek shouted and ran toward the Teacher along with Token,Jimmy,Kyle,and Red who was trying to save her cousin from getting burned by acid.

They stopped in shock.

The Teacher was pushed in the acid face first and was burning badly.

Craig stood up and chuckled softly and looked up at the person who pushed her in the acid.

"Wow, didn't think you had that in you."

He stepped back and stared at the old dead lady who was laying face first in a the pile of acid.

Author's Note:

Who do you think pushed the teacher?

Was it a boy or girl?

What do you think?

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