Clips 8-10

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"Shut the hell up so I can play the damn clips!" The Teacher yelled.

Most people wonder why she's addressed as "The Teacher".
Well it's because whenever someone asks,

"What should we call you?"

"What's your name?"

"Hi! Miss.......?"

She has to be fucking difficult, and says,

"None of yo damn buisness"

She played the clip quickly before people started talking again.


Tweek and Craig were getting coffee at Harbucks. Craig pulled out his money but Tweek objected, offering to pay for himself.

"Tweekers just let me pay" Craig sighed not wanting to argue with his blond boyfriend.

Craig payed for the coffee and walked out hand in hand with the spaz.

"Gah why do you d-do that!?" Tweet questioned annoyed.

"What?" Craig says in his usual monotone.

"O-Offering to ngh pay for things l-like I'm a girl or something?"

"Well you kinda are,Tweek"

Tweek gasped. His face became red.
But it wasn't just embarrassment it was also anger.


Tweek stormed off angrily.

The whole class was laughing causing Tweek to blush furiously. At that moment a sheet of paper was thrown at Tweek by one of the Asian girls. Tweek picked up the paper while twitching. When Tweek picked up the paper he frowned. It was a sketch of him with tig ol' bitties. Craig looked at the picture and laughed so hard his nipples stung.

"Shut the fuck up or I'll cut your dick off!" The Teacher yelled and played the next clip.


The beloved boyfriends Tweek and Craig were arguing in front of their friends Token,Clyde and Jimmy.

"S-Shut the fuck up C-Craig or I'll hit you ngh so hard!" Tweek yelled at his chullo wearing boyfriend.

"You won't hit me!" Craig growled.

"T-Try me ngh bitch!" Tweek yelled, warning Craig he wasn't joking around.

"HIT ME! HIT ME RIGHT HERE!" Craig yelled while pointing his finger at his face.

"H-Hit me right here", Tweek said passionately motioning to his lips.

Tweek and Craig both leaned in and shared a passionate kiss. Craig ran his hand through Tweek's messy blonde locks. While Tweek wrapped his legs around his waist.


The screen became static and was switched to another clip.


The video started with Clyde smiling into the camera.

"Check this out"

Clyde began running quickly through the hallways of Token's house. Clyde,Craig and the other's had spent the night at Token's after the party the previous night.He opened the door and a peaceful shirt-less sleeping boy identified as Craig could be seen.

"WAKE UP SLEEPY HEAD!" Clyde yelled obnoxiously.

"Dude what the hell?" Craig groaned sleepily?

"Fuck man..." A also shirtless Tweek came up from behind his boyfriend.

"OOOOHOOOO" Clyde yelled at the camera both childishly and dramatically.


"Hahahahahaha" Clyde laughed dramatically.

"Clyde?" The Teacher called to Clyde calmly.

"What?" Clyde questioned her innocently.

"Who let you back in the classroom?" She growled.

Author's Note: The first clip was from a fan fic on it's called Dominance, and the other's were a slightly longer remakes of vines thanks for reading and please vote!

I like it when you vote bitch!

Shake dem titties when you vote bitch.


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