Clips 5-6

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"Clyde, you may come back in" the teacher says sweetly.

Clyde walked in covering both of his eyes, trying to hold in his tears. He quickly walked to his seat and removed his hands from his eyes. There was a large bruise forming across his eye. He could hear people whispering and snickering.

"IT'S NOT FUNNY!" He screamed causing the class to burst out laughing.

"Don't make me send you out again Clyde" the teacher threatened with a stern look on her face.

"I'll throw my desk at all of you, so stop messing with Clyde, you know damn well he's going to act stupid!"

"I wish she would" Kevin Stoley whispered and threw an eraser at the back of her head. The eraser hit her right in the back of head causing her her to bop her head forward.

"Try me bitch" she warned angrily.

"Now I don't even feel like teaching I'm just going to play clips, because students like Kevin and Clyde wanna be class clowns." She waved her hands in the direction of Kevin and Clyde. Craig and Tweek began snickering. Kenny,Token,Stan,Kyle and Jimmy soon joined them.

"I will not show anything if you guys won't be quiet"she warned.

At that moment Craig passed Tweek a note.

Craig: I wonder why she is always acting like she's tough.

Tweek giggled and passed Craig a note.

This is her:

He had drawn a giant boob on the small piece of paper. Craig snickered loudly, his boyfriend could be hilarious at times.

"I guess I'm not showing anymore clips....." the teacher said casually.

"Ā, watashi no oyawwa damare"one of the Asian groaned.

"Okay now that the majority of you are quiet, I can show you a clip"

*************the clip**********
The only thing shown in the clip was Tweek and Craig's feet and voices.
They were inside the bathroom stall of the school.

"Gah! Craig I'm soaking wet!"

"Oh yeah?"Craig said in a teasing tone.

"Y-Yes I ngh am!"

"Just take off your shirt"

"But t-that would m-make me a-a whore!"

"No it won't I'm your boyfriend, besides only girls can whores."

"I-I don't know..."

"Fine. I'll take it off myself"

"C-Craig ngh no you'll rip it!"

"No I won't"

"You gotta be careful with those shirt's Craig, if you get to invested in the moment you'll rip Tweek's shirt." says Kenny while grinning like a cheshire cat.

"Tweek, does Craig always make you soaking wet?" Cartman questioned trying to make Tweek uncomfortable.

"J-jesus we weren't h-having sex!"

"Tweek had spilled some water on his shirt so I told him to take it off and let it air dry, you guys are so dirty minded" Craig said agreeing with his boyfriend.

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