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Hello, [Name],

As you can probably tell, I decided to make this a regular thing. It really does help me. I don't think I'll ever be able to get over you, but I can at least express my feelings and calm down. You'll never read this, but it's nice to pretend you will, you know?

I told Suga about you. Why didn't you tell me you guys knew each other? He said you guys were family friends. How come I never met him before joining BTS? Did you not want me to know? He asked me how you were doing. I lied. I said you were doing great. You probably are, but I don't actually know how you're doing so it's still a lie, isn't it? I wanted to call you and ask how you were doing, but I was too scared. I'm too scared to hear you say that you hate me again. I'm afraid that you'll reject me.

What was it that I did? Was I too clingy? Was I annoying? Was I weird? Why did you hate me? Why didn't you tell me earlier? I have so many questions that I wish I could ask you, but I'm too scared. You probably wouldn't even answer me. Maybe all of these emails would go straight to the spam section. Maybe you wouldn't even get them because you blocked me. You'd probably do that since you hate me, wouldn't you?

You told me to move on, to forget you. I tried, I swear. I really did. I just couldn't do it. Please forgive me for at least that. I miss you so much. These are starting to get repetitive, aren't they? Oh well. It's not like you'll read them anyways.

I love you,

Kim Taehyung

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