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Hello again!

So much has been happening! We've had so many performances! I really love it. There's something about being up on that stage, you know? Having people cheer for you, screaming your name. It's amazing. All of our ARMYs are so supportive (ARMY is our fandom name, in case you didn't know). They all accept my personality. Did you know I'm one of the most popular members? I'M AWESOME. Ha ha. Everyone loves me ;) Except for you... That's okay though, or it should be. I hope you find someone who makes you happy, or maybe you already have? That should make me happy, shouldn't it? I love you, so as long as you're happy, I should be happy, right? For some reason, it only hurts. I want to be the one who makes you happy. I want you to love me, not anyone else. I know that that'll never happen though. I can only wish.

How about I talk about something happier? Fan meets are really fun! There's sooooooo many people who come, even though we're a relatively new group. They can be exhausting, but I really like going to them! It's nice to know that so many people admire you so much. There are occasionally really creepy people, but those are really rare.

You know, Rap Monster isn't the responsible leader type that he looks like. He breaks things all the time so Suga has to clean up after him! Suga is more like the leader. He's the one who scolds us when we get out of hand. Mama Jin is the wise one though. He is the oldest, after all. It's been great though. I hope we continue to get along and last for a long time!

Have you made new friends? What are they like? Are they treating you well? What's America like? I really want to go there sometime! I've heard so much about it. Hopefully we can go there one day, maybe for a tour or something. Maybe I'd see you! Ha ha... I'd love to do that... But you wouldn't want to.

Suga is calling me. I can't let him know about these emails. He'd worry too much. It's time for me to go! Bye!

With love,

Kim Taehyung

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