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Dear [Name],

How have you been? How's everything been going for you? On this end it's been pretty stressful. Our schedules leave very little time for rest. I barely found time to write this letter. But that's okay. I don't mind. It helps me get my mind off of the past. Sometimes I wonder if there was something I could have done differently. Was there even a slight chance of you feeling the same? What did I do wrong to make you hate me? It's no use thinking about that. You'll never answer.

The ARMYs are really supportive most of the time. I try to ignore the hateful comments. Some of them talk about the group as a whole while others talk about us individually. Leader told us to ignore them, but it's hard. People can be so ridiculously cruel. But there's always those people who stand up for us. It's kind of great. People who admire your music and you so much even when they've never met you in person. I love ARMYs so much. I wouldn't be able to do this without them.

Do you still listen to the same music as before? How's your English? Namjoon speaks really well. A lot of international fans say he has no accent! Isn't that really cool?! The rest of us know very little English so if we need to say something to international fans, Namjoon does most of the talking. I can talk to the Japanese ARMYs though! Are there any other languages you're learning? Didn't you say you wanted to learn Russian? That's a really difficult language to learn, I heard, but I'm sure you'd do great! I want to hear you speak Russian!

I have to go now, schedules. I'll write again soon! Bye!


Kim Taehyung

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