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Dear [Name],

Are you proud of yourself? Look at what you've fucking done to me. No one has done this to me before, but you did it with three words. It was so easy, wasn't it? How could you find it so easy to do something like that, [Name]? How could you just break someone like that with no regrets? Fuck you. Not that you'll care. You'd probably read this and laugh at me. Are you happy? Are you fucking proud? Look at what you've done to Kim Taehyung, a member of the famous group BTS. Are you happy? Are you?

How pathetic am I? This is ridiculous. I don't know why I'm even crying. Not like you'd care. You've brought me to my knees. I don't want to do this, [Name]. I don't want to love you. Take it away. Take this feeling away. It just hurts. It hurts so much. I don't want to deal with this. It's starting to interfere with my work and I think the others are starting to notice. They started questioning me. I lied to them and said that I'm just stressed, but I don't think they believed me. [Name], what have you done to me? I hate you. God, I hate you. I hate you because I love you so much.

Kim Taehyung

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