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Dear [Name],

We're back in Korea again. I'm not sure if I'm happy or sad about it. Tours are really fun. I love going up on stage in front of all those fans, especially when they're international. It's really cool how people who can't talk to you or understand your language appreciate your music so much. I sort of understand. There's some American music that I like to listen to, but at least I can understand some of it. There are some fans that actually learn Korean because they heard us! Isn't that amazing? They learn an entire language because they heard our music. I wish I could be so dedicated to do that. It's really amazing. Humans are incredible.

My Japanese is pretty good though. It's a really fun language and the Japanese ARMYs are so cute! Not as cute as you--okay I'll stop right there. You know how it is, I like cheesy things. You always called me a dork when I said something like that, remember? It was pretty funny.

I miss those days, the days when you teased me and laughed with me. When we enjoyed our times together. Don't you miss those days?


Kim Taehyung

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