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Dear [Name],

Yoongi found out about my letters to you. He told me I should send them, but I refused. I'm too scared. I don't know what I'm more afraid of: you not replying or you replying. Either option is terrifying and I guess that's why I don't want to send these to you. Nothing good would come out of it. I don't need my heart broken even more. I'm okay with just doing this. It hurts, yes, but it's better this way. Me never sending these messages and you never knowing of their existence. Yes, it's better this way. You won't have to know about my pain. You always hated seeing people sad, didn't you? So I won't let you know I'm sad. I'll act happy on camera so that you don't worry. And it's not like I'm never happy. I like being with the other members. They're really fun. I love them a lot and they're the bestest friends I could ever ask for. It's just everything would be better if you were here.


Kim Taehyung

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