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Dear [Name],

Remember the first time you saw the ocean? You were six and I was seven, I think. Our families took us together. You were so excited that you didn't stop talking for the whole ride. I didn't either. I think our parents were really annoyed, but they didn't say anything. We were having so much fun.

On of my favorite memories of you would be the smile on your face as you ran to the water. I ran after you almost immediately and we started playing. We were there for hours, fooling around. Our parents had to catch us and drag us out of the water when we left, although we convinced them to take us back the next day.

I ask myself often why we only got close in high school. Our parents always made us hang out outside of school, but we never really talked in school. Was it because we were in the same class? I guess. I'm surprised we weren't that close before. I mean, we knew each other and enjoyed being with each other, but it wasn't like we trusted each other with our secrets. Why would we, I guess? But it was so easy to trust you once we were partners for that one project. I guess that's when we hit it off.

I think it was the second year of high school that I started liking you? I think that's about right. Of course, you never noticed did you? Or maybe you did, but didn't say anything. I was being pretty obvious, after all. Then again, no matter how obvious I am, it being me makes it less obvious I guess. I don't know.

The maknae is calling me. We have practice. I'll write another one of these later. Well, you wouldn't know. You aren't going to read these. I don't know why I keep on reminding myself of that. It isn't helping me, although sending these wouldn't make anything better either. Oh well. I have to go. Bye.


Kim Taehyung

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