Pt. 1

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You were going to join the Scouting Legon today. But you knew that something was wrong. You and your friends (Eren- an angry german kid, Mikasa- the angry german kid's "sister", and Armin- that wants to see the ocean) were going to sign up for the S. L. right away.

Eren said "Hey... HEY (Y/N) my wall.... HEY!! " but you didn't here a thing. You were looking at a boy named Jean... no just kidding. You saw a short man, about your size.

Mikasa stomps o your foot. "OWWWW!! " you said. "WHAT WAS THAT FOR!? " yelling at her. Eren and Armin look at you in fear. Mikasa was also frozen. Why are they looking at me weird? Then it hits you, you slowly spin around. LEVI was right behind you. *BAM* You here something hit the ground. You open your eyes in fear of what you might see. BIG mistake. You start to run.

-le time skip brought to you by u doing something terrible-


You here foot steps behind you.


How And Why (Cheating Levi x Reader x Eren) Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang