Game day

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Sangs POV
Today is game day and I am scared because they still haven't gotten their revenge yet. I am flying today at half time. I am not looking forward to it because it is pouring and we only have 5 minutes before the game starts. I have been avoiding the new guys because they are just going to get me in more trouble. But that hasn't stopped them at all they just follow me and pass notes to me it's getting really annoying.
*****Half time **************
It is now time for the half time show. I do all the moves perfectly because I know it by heart but it is so muddy and raining so bad I can barely see in front of me. I get into stunt form and do a backflip. I'm caught by the bases. One down 2 to go. I am pushed up and do a front flip. I am caught by them again. One more I take a deep breath in and step into their hands. Once I am  the the person behind me comes up to help push me up for more momentum. I do a double backflip when I am about to fall I realize that they stepped away. I am too late to change my stance so I hit the ground and hard. That's all I remember.
Silas POV
I am watching the half time performance and let's just say every time she does a flip I get scared. After the third one I realized that all the other girls stepped back. Is that suppose to happen. The next thing I know is she is on the ground and is not moving. It's silent for a moment then all hell breaks loose. My brothers and I run out onto the field to her. I hope she is not died. I look to see most of the parents freaking out and calling 911 while their kids laugh and take photos. Idiots I mumble to north and he just nods. I see a very piss off Mr.Blackbourne going after jade and her clang good they deserve his rath and let's just say it's not fun. I get there to see doc and Kota carefully moving her onto her back while Luke keeps her head still. Please don't tell me she's dead. Let aggele mou be okay.
Dr.Green's POV
I immediately run out to this girl as soon as she hit that ground. Why would they do this to this poor child. I tell Luke to hold her head still while me and Kota flip her over. On my count okay 1...2..3 flip. I check for a pulse and am relieved that I found one. Now all we need to do is wait for the ambulance since I can't do anything until I know her injuries. I see Owen go after the captain of the cheerleaders and I start internally laughing because he is going to kill them. I see the crowd going crazy over what happened. I hear my brothers asking me if she is alive and I nod my head yes. I got to hand it to her she is pretty strong since most people would have died instantly on in pack. I see they are surprised as well. When is the ambulance getting her. I whisper to her to hold on help is on the way. I ask if she can hear me squeeze my hand. It was a little squeeze but it was still a squeeze. So that's good news she can hear me. I say can you squeeze my hand twice for yes to you hanging in. I get 2 squeezes. I say okay your doing great just hang in there. I rub her hair out of the way. I see all my brothers have created a circle around her. Well pookie you have got my brothers and I hooked around your little finger. I look back to see the paramedics run over here. Thank goodness I don't know how long she could have lasted. I almost run into Owen wait when did he get here. Nows not the time for that. I start yelling at the paramedics to start giving her oxygen and to put a I vine in her.

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