Do they know?

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Sangs POV
I feel like I have the biggest hangover in the world. I don't even know where I am at or what happened. Which is really scary. I look around to see north, Silas, Victor and Dr.Green sleeping on the ground next to me. Did we you know what. Please tell me we didn't. I am really starting to panic I am somewhere I don't even know who's bed or house with a bunch of guys. I see north get up and whispers " Good morning how you feeling?" I say good morning and very confused and scared I have no idea what happened yesterday or where I'm at or why is are teacher here. He says " Well let's get everyone else awake then we'll talk but don't worry we didn't do what you think we did. I know your scared but it will make sense later okay." I just sigh I don't even know what to think or say at this point.
Norths POV
Doc, Silas and Victor and I slept in the same room as sang baby. I wake up because I can hear her start freaking out. I get up to see a very scared and confused sang trying to figure out how she ended up here and other stuff as well. I mean who can blame her she has no memory of last night. I tell her let's get the others up and then we'll talk about what happened. I wake up doc, Victor and Silas then go wake up the others while sang is in the kitchen doing god knows what trying to calm down and relax. I tell them she's freaking out because she has no idea what happened last night at all. So we are going to have to tell her maybe keep the embarrassing parts out because she doesn't really need to know and then stress out over it.
Gabes POV
Thank the fuck god that trouble is awake because I really need to fucking know if her fucking dickheads of a family is fucking abusing her. I swear to god I will kill whoever the fuck touches her. I don't give a fuck but now we need to tell her what the fuck happened last night and I already know it is going to go fucking horrible. I mean how the fuck would you feel if you found the fuck out that you were fucking drugged then told your secrets to a bunch of fucking strangers. I knew if it was for those fucking drugs she wouldn't have said a fucking word. I need to take her fucking shopping because her clothes look like shit and here hair is so fucking amazing I am claiming it as mine no one else can fucking touch it. Well the the fucking fun begin!
Victors POV
I walk into the kitchen to see a very stress out princess. I go over and say hey princess you okay? She says" What happened and why do I feel like I have the worst hangover in the world where am I and why are two of our teachers here? How did I end up here? Who's bedroom was that? And why can't I remember anything from last night and why aren't you answering just like north Jesus Christ answer me! What did I do. Please I'm freaking out like really really bad." Wow north was not kidding when he said she was freaking out. I say you didn't do anything wrong but something did happen don't worry we handled it and we will answer all your questions in a little bit just relax okay. I promise there's nothing to worry about. They better hurry up and get here before she loses it.
Kota's POV
We are sitting in the living room of Nathan's house and are about to tell her what happened I can tell she is really really nervous and anxious to get some answers. So I start by asking what she remembers. She say's " North and Silas arriving at the party nothing else." I say okay, well you and north pretend to make out for the sake of norths sanity. Jade wasn't happy so her and the other cheerleaders drugged you and north and Silas took you to Nathan's house which is were we are. Doc and Mr.B were here to keep an eye on you because we were all worry about you especially since you revealed that your family abuses you is that true? She just nods her head. She says " I understand if you don't want to be friends anymore I am use to it. I'm so sorry for causing all this trouble." I say don't worry just take a breath.
Silas POV
I walk over to a very very very stressed out aggele Victor tells me she is freaking out because she has no memory of last night and wants answers now. I say " hey aggele mou why don't we make breakfast for everyone and then we will talk there's nothing to freak out about." She mumbles something but I can't even hear it. She starts taking out eggs, bacon and pancake mix with chocolate chips. North is not going to be happy with that but then she takes out fruit, sausage too. At least she's getting both the Taylor's down with their food choices. I tell her I'll keep everyone else busy while you cook with Victor okay. She doesn't say anything at all. I tell the others not to go in there and not even 5 minutes later Victor comes out with his hands up. He tells us he got kicked out because he was not helping her at all with both problems and I laugh damn she is scary when she's in freak out mode. But then again no one can blame her because she has no idea what happened and we do. We better tell her and soon before she loses it.

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