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Sangs POV
The cheerleaders are having another party this should be fun not. At least I will have north and Silas here tonight as well maybe they could help me escape this hell whole they call a party. I hear Rocky say" North you have to go in the closet with Jade and make out to be officially on the team." North say's " No someone else how about sang." Wait did I just hear that right. Please don't tell me I heard correctly. Sure enough they all agree so here I am in the dark with north. The football team is outside trying to get a video but we aren't doing anything because I play a video of someone else doing it when occasionally I will moan out his name while he moans out mine. This goes on for another ten minutes before we're allowed out. We get out and I grab my drink and take a sip of it. After another five minutes I started not to feel good. I stumble up to north and whisper in his ear "I think I was just drugged. I need your help." God damn it I am do stupid of course Jade would get me back but I don't know what this is and how much I took so I might die. I hate her!
Norths POV
I can't believe they made me do that. After five minutes she comes over and whisper I think I have been drugged I need your help. Fuck, I say hold on I will be right back I'm going to get Silas and then we'll leave and take you to doc okay. I run over to Silas and say we need to get the fuck out of here now! We didn't even say goodbye to anyone. But I don't give a Flying fuck. I get back to sang just in time to see her run and jump into my arms laughing like a crazy person. Great the drugs just kicked in. I carry her out and tell Silas to call doc and to meet us at Nathan's house you drive. Please be okay. I hate fucking parties. She starts playing with my hair saying " You guys are so lucky to have people to care about you even Mr. Perfect cares I wish I had that but oh well I don't. She sighs and continues saying I know I shouldn't be complaining because others have worst but it just sucks you know. Oh wait you guys are perfect you can't know. How stupid of me to think that. You know I am really stupid to think that what happened in that closet even though it was fake I would to be punished. God I hate that fucking bitch. Great I'm turning into her now."She wipes the tears away. Oh my god I feel so bad for her but she then cuts me off saying " You know what my parents said about the accident well they said I deserved it so they punished me instead of my sister. I don't even know why I bother anymore everyone hates me for some reason asides you guys but probably after this you'll all leave me because I am worthless and a whore like how everyone else says or better yet a freak because I'm afraid. I'm stuck in this hell whole everyday it's same thing but different day. I don't even know why I try no one wants to help me. God why am I babbling like an idiot right now."I hug her saying shh it's okay I have you. I look over to Silas to see he is having trouble keeping himself together just like me. Now she is saying " Why are you guys so nice and where are we going oh no why are taking me there! " I am confused so I ask taking you where? She said home I say we are going to Nathan's house. She was like oh thank god I'm pretty sure if my parents saw me like this I'll be dead. We finally get there and I have to hand her over to Silas because I'm literally shaking from what she told me.
Silas POV
What the hell is wrong with aggele mou. Why is she acting like this? North informs me she was drugged by Jade and the other cheerleaders because of earlier. While I am listening to what she is saying I want to cry for her who would not love aggele mou she is so nice to everyone I see it with my own eyes all of us have. We finally get there and North hands her over to me because he is shaking so much. I hear her mumble 1 down 8 to go this should be fun. While she has tears coming down her pretty little face. I say hey we are never going to leave you okay. I walk in with her in my arms to see compete chaos. I say " Doc I need your help Nathan is your dad home if not set up his room now. Nathan and Luke go set up the room. She is still mumbling to herself. "Mr. Perfect " as aggele mou calls him says" Report now!" I tell them how they faked a make out session to her being drugged until she starts cutting me off by saying " I didn't know you liked here I live right across from you. Of course you would. Where have you been then if you lived here." I am shocked I didn't know that house was brought. So I tell her we didn't know you moved in. I whisper we would have saved you sooner. She just laughs at that and says " really I'm suppose to believe that. Tell me then where's north and why was he shaking with anger when we walked in. Uh oh wait that's right because I was stupid enough to get fucking drugged then fucking babble about my fucking life that's why right. I told you people always leave so why should I believe you?" Wow never expected that I day because you never deserved what you been through and north is not mad at you trust me.
Dr. Green's POV
Wow what the hell is she talking about. I was surprised to hear that we had to meet at Nathan's house. I get there with my medical kit and prepare just in case because you can never know with those two. I was shocked to see a very very upset pookie in Silas arms. When I find out she was drugged I wasn't surprised to hear who did it. But I was shocked at the pretend make out session they did together. But she is just babbling at this point I don't think she even realizes that she's talking at this point because she isn't very focused and I know this is not good at all. I say someone go get north , Silas go bring in there so she can rest and I can check Her vitals. I see everyone else is in shock and anger I am too but I'm not going to show it. Victor comes in to help me out while Kota goes gets north. This is going to be a long night. I put her on an IV for fluids to dissolve the drugs. Her vitals are okay but I am going to have to keep an eye on her. There is no way she is going to leave my sight until her vitals are normal and she is drug free.

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