Chapter Nine

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 The next morning, I sat in Fairy Godmother's stupid Remedial Goodness class. I knew that the point of it, but clearly, none of us saw it as useful. I sighed and zoned out as Fairy Godmother's annoying voice fought for dominance over my attention.

"If someone hands you a crying baby, do you:

A) Curse it

B) Lock it in a tower

C) Give it a bottle, or

D) Carve out its heart?

Actually, that last option didn't sound to bad. Babies could get pretty annoying when they cried. Carving out its heart would mean it would die, which would, technically, stop it from crying.

Before I could give the answer I know she didn't want to hear, Evie's arm shot up.

"Evie." Fairy Godmother pointed to her. Evie put her arm down and smiled.

"What was the second one?" She asked stupidly. I groaned and sunk lower into my seat, wanting to be anywhere but here.

"Oh, okay. Anyone else?" She looked around. "Mal?"

Mal, who hadn't even been paying attention, looked up and answered.

"C. Give it a bottle."

"Correct. Again."

"You are on fire, girl," Carlos complimented.

Mal looked up and gave a 'why do you care' gesture.

"I just picked the one that doesn't sound like any fun."

"Oh, yeah, that's one way," I sighed.

"That makes so much sense," Evie smiled.

From behind me, I heard a squeal. I whipped my head around to see a small girl in light blue making her way to the front, trying to avoid us.

"Oh. Hello dear one," Fairy Godmother smiled at the girl.

"You need to sign off on early dismissal for the coronation." She handed the papers to Fairy Godmother and glanced back fearfully at us. I tried to avoid her gaze but running my fingers along the patterns on my shoes.

"Everyone here remembers my daughter, Jane?"

"Mom, no..."

No actually, I don't. Maybe it's because you never introduced us and I'm too lazy to go make friends on my own!

"It's okay. Jane, this is everyone."

She shoved Jane towards us and Jane seemed to freeze.

"Hi. That's okay. Don't mind me. As you were." She squealed and then dashed off.

Yeesh, I snickered, that girl squeals more than a hungry Guinea Pig! (A/N not exactly something pleasant to wake up to at 3 in the morning)

"Ahem. Let's continue." Fairy Godmother sauntered back to the board. "You find a vial of poison. Do you:

A) Put it in the King's wine?"


"B) Paint it on an apple?"

Evie giggled and I rolled my eyes.

"Or C) Turn it over to the proper authorities?"

As soon as she finished speaking, Jay, Carlos, and Evie began waving their hands around like mad. Jay looked over at Carlos and slapped his arm down.


"C. You turn it over to the proper authorities."

"I was gonna say that," Carlos whined.

"Oh, well I did." Suddenly, Jay Grabbed Carlos by the neck and began giving him an intense noogie.

"Come on, who said it first? Who said it first?"

"Boys." Fairy Godmother tapped her pointer tool against a banister. "Boys!"

They both stopped and looked at her.

"I will encourage you both to use that energy on the Tourney field."

"Oh, no, that's okay," Carlos choked out. "Whatever that is, we'll pass."

Fairy Godmother sighed and turned back to the blackboard. I scooted further down and tried not to pay any more attention.

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