Chapter Twenty One

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The loss of Aline had done more to me than I thought, both mentally and with my relationships. I pretty much stopped interacting with people, I was excused from classes until I recovered, and my eyes were bloodshot from so much crying. I had no light in my life right now, with the exception of Carlos coming in every now and then and checking on me. It seemed whenever he wasn't here, Jon was, and he was being oddly supportive, despite the fact that he was the one that wanted me to leave Aline alone. I was suddenly seeing a softer side to him, and to be honest, it wasn't so bad. I think a part of me was falling for him, in fact. My life was only getting more and more twisted as the choice between Carlos and Jon became harder and harder to make.
"...Hera? Hera, are you in there?" I blinked and looked over at Jon, who had been sitting with me for who-knows-how long.
"Y-yeah, I'm in here. I'm just... thinking, that's all."
"All right... let me know if you need anything." He kissed the top of my head and walked out. The minute the door shut, I burst into another fit of silent tears. I ripped out my notebook and began writing a poem.
Every step, every word, with every hour, I am falling in.
To something new, something brave,
to someone I have never been.
I can't decide:
what's wrong, what's right?
Which way should I go?
If only I knew what my heart was telling me!
Don't know what I'm feeling... is this just a dream?
Oh, if only...
Am I crazy? Maybe we could happen...
If only I could read the signs in front of me!
I could find a way to who I'm meant to be...
If only... if only...
...if only...
I slammed my notebook shut and sighed. I couldn't stay in here forever. I had to get out eventually. I threw on a red shirt and black pants, then grabbed my bag and walked to the main school room. I was late to class, but Fairy Godmother seemed relieved that I had even come.
"Hera! Oh, how are you feeling? No, no, that's the wrong question to ask... Just have a seat, dear. I was about to make a special announcement." I sat between Evie and Mal, who both smiled at me sadly. They couldn't understand what I was going through, but they could certainly sympathize. "As you know, this Sunday is Family Day here at Auradon Prep. And because your parents can't be here due to, uh, distance, we've arranged for a special treat." We all gathered around a small television that was on a rolling cart. Video feed of our parents came on, and they attempted to figure out the technology.
"I don't see anything, nor do I hear."
"Is it... is it... is it...?"
"Press enter."
"Can I see a remote? Is this thing on?"
"Ugh, it's broken."
"I hate electronic equip-" They noticed that we were on screen. "Oh!"
"Evie, it mommy! Oh, look how beautiful. You know what they say: the poison apple doesn't fall far from the tree." I rolled my eyes at Evie's mother, trying not to look at mine.
"Don't you mean the weeds?" My mother shot back.
"Ooh, who's the old bat?"
"This is Fairy Godmother," Mal cut in, gesturing towards the sweet woman.
"Oh, still doing tricks with eggplants?" Maleficent shot at her.
"I turned a pumpkin into a beautiful carriage," Fairy Godmother fumed.
"You really couldn't have given Cinderella until one a.m.?" My mother asked snarkily. "I mean, really. What, the hamsters had to be back on their wheels?"
"They were mice!" Mal and I helped Fairy Godmother into the background so we could talk to our parents.
"Hi mom," Mal greeted sweetly.
"Mal, I miss you!"
"You children are never far from our thoughts," Carlos' mom smiled.
"I got it," I whispered.
"How long must mommy wait to see you?" I could tell what Maleficent was subtly trying to ask.
"Um, there's this coronation coming up. Probably sometime after that," I answered, trying not to make what I was saying too obvious.
"Friday, ten a.m."
"Are you sure I can't see you before then? I don't know what I'll do if I can't get my hands on that magic wa- you, you little nugget."
"I completely understand, mother..."
"Carlos, is that a dog?" Carlos' mom pushed to the front to get a closer look, and I stood closer to Carlos, one hand resting on his arm. "It would make the perfect size for earmuffs."
"He's the perfect size for a pet," Carlos shot back. His mother reeled a bit from his sudden response. "This dog loves me and I love him."
"And FYI, your dog is stuffed," I finished. "So give it a rest!"
"Ooh, burn," Jay's father laughed.
"Oh, why don't you go sell a toaster you two bit salesman?"
"People who talk to stuffed animals shouldn't throw stones!"
"Well people who sell toasters shouldn't use mixed metaphors!"
Fairy Godmother shut off the video feed and looked at all of our faces.
"I'm so sorry," she apologized.
"Thanks for the special treat," I sighed, the five of us walking over to get our bags.
"Of course." We walked towards the door, but before we left, I stopped Mal.
"M, what do you think our parents will do if we can't pull this off?"
"They will be... disappointed in us, but ultimately proud of us for trying our best."
"No. I think we are definitely goners."

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