Chapter Eleven

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I woke up, head still throbbing a little bit, but overall feeling better. I just sat there, staring at the ceiling for a moment.

I just stared at the ceiling, watching the fan turning around in circles, somehow captivating my mind. I kept watching it go around until I heard the door open. I turned my head to see my four friends standing there, Evie holding the door open and offering me a soft smile. I smirked back at her and the four of them entered, Carlos shutting the door behind him. Evie and Mal sat on the end of my bed, Carlos sat in one chair, and Jay in another. They all looked at me.

"You really seem to always get hurt, huh?" Mal smiled. I couldn't help but chuckle.

"Yeah, I guess so. Except this one wasn't Jay or Carlos' fault."

Carlos rolled his eyes and Jay shot me a death glare.

"Hey, it's not always my fault..." Jay shot back.

"And you've only scraped yourself up because of me, like, four times."

Evie giggled.

"That's more than enough," she laughed. "Her skin isn't worth those scars."

"Yeah, okay, sure," I laughed. "We'll pretend my skin is a precious item."

"Guys!" Mal yelled. "As much as I like having conversations with Hera, we came to talk to her for a reason... again."

Evie almost popped up.

"Right! Mal found another way to try to get the wand."

"Alright, lay it on me. I shouldn't have to sit here for much longer."

"Hera, you've been asleep for about a day."

"Oh, dang..."

"Anyways, Mal made friends with Jane by fixing her hair, and now she's persuaded Jane to try and get her mother to pull out her old wand. Mal will go with Jane if that happens to steal it."

"Sounds like it's got a few holes in it, huh?"

"Yeah, a couple," Mal sighed. "But they'll hopefully resolve themselves."

We all sat there in silence for a few moments, then I spoke up.

"Hey, Carlos? Jay?' They both looked up at me. "Would you mind if I just talked to Mal and Evie?"

Jay nodded and stood, but Carlos still sat there. Jay smacked him in the back of the head and he got up and walked out.

"Feel better soon," Carlos called as Jay dragged him out, shutting the door. As soon as they left, Mal and Evie turned and looked me straight in my red eyes.

"What's up?" Evie smiled.

"Something doesn't feel right about this place... Jon keeps... doing weird things."


"Before I, you know, 'passed out,' he was... flirting with me, or something like that. It was... weird..."

Evie practically lost her head.

"Oh my god!" She squealed. "He's definitely into you!"

I laughed.

"Yeah, right. Why would anyone like me?"

Evie looked at Mal.

"I got this one," she sighed, then turned to me. "Hera, you are pretty, smart, and you are downright rotten." I giggled at the last one. "Clearly Jon likes two out of those three things, maybe even all of them."

"Jon's not the only one you've caught the attention of."

"What? What are you talking about?" I asked, turning my attention to E.

"I'm not allowed to say his name, but there's one other guy I know that likes you."

"What? That's insane..." I sighed and put my hands over my face. "Oh, this is maddening."

"Ooh! I know what will help!" Evie smiled.


"I've been really interested in making clothes lately! It's a Saturday, so we don't have school. I'd love to design a new wardrobe for you!"

I sighed. Fashion was the last thing from my mind, but I needed something to take my mind off of all of this.

"Alright," I caved. "Let's go..."

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