Chapter 16: Alone

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Desk duty. What no detective wants to be on. Erin was now 14 weeks pregnant, or almost 4 months.

"Jay, can I talk to you? Privately..." Erin led him into an empty office and shut the door.

"What's up?" Jay asked.

"I was wondering...could you kind of be a father figure in this child's life?" Erin asked. She wanted their child to have a father figure, but she didn't want Jay to actually know he is the father.

"Oh...definitely!" Jay smiled. "He hugged her. "If you ever need me, I'm here. Remember that." He stated, leaving the office.

She smiled. For the first time in a while she wasn't alone, and she didn't have to fake being happy. This time she actually was, she smiled with joy, and she glowed.

The beauty in the world,
All wrapped in your hands, how desperate you are
To make myself happy,
This wasn't on purpose,
It wasn't my fault,
a baby in my arms,
One day forever.

She told herself this every morning after she woke up, and every night before bed. This reminded her that everyday is worth living, if not for yourself, for someone else.

That day she went to work and she sat at her desk. Shed watch everyone leave as she sat there, waiting, wondering. Finally they came back, and she stood up and asked what was up. "Nothing," they'd say. She'd sit back down and search the web. She found the funniest cat video on YouTube. The cat got so scared he ran into a wall.

"Guys, you've gotta see this!" She laughed. Everyone ran over to her desk and saw the Computer. They watched the video and chuckled too.

Weeks went passed of doing nothing. Now she was 16 weeks, or 4 weeks pregnant.

"You're halfway there, right?" Ruzek asked.

Almost immediately, Erin responded, "yup." She placed her hands on her rounded stomach. She wasn't big but she wasn't exactly small.

"Do you know what you're having?" Ruzek asked.

"Yeah. Do you want to know?"

"Duh! What is it!?" Jay had been ease dropping and popped in.

"A baby!!!" She laughed. "I don't know the gender. Yet..."

And so it was official, she was having a baby and not an alien...

Anyways. Time goes by so fast and so now, 6 weeks later, she's five and a half months pregnant. She isn't alone, she's filled with family and love...literally.

Erin realized that she had no reason to hide the fact that this was Jays baby. She looked at the time but realized she had and appointment.

She went to the doctor and saw the nurse smile at her. She smiled back, an actual smile. A real smile.

"Are we waiting for the father? Or any other family member?"

"Nope. Just me and you and this baby." Erin stated.

"So, do you want to know what your having?" The nurse asked staring at the screen.

"No, I want to wait." Erin admitted.

"Okay, so everything looks fine, do you remember your due date?"

"Um...could you refresh my brain?" Erin questioned.

"August 14th." The nurse stated. "Only a couple months away."

"Well, you don't have to carry it," she said sarcastically.

"You are free to go. The front desk receptionist will give you details for this visit and the next. Have a nice day." She said. This phrase made Erin scared for some reason, she felt like something bad was going to happen. But clearly it wasn't. She only felt that way because she'd just gotten through the show One Tree Hill, and Brooke got attached after that. This freaked her out...

Anyways, she wasn't alone, she was healthy, and she had the perfect baby growing inside her.

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