Chapter 24: Unsure

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"It's okay. Erin, please talk to me." Jay comforted a crying Erin. Tears welled in his eyes, he couldn't bear seeing his girlfriend and mother of his child.

"I don't want to talk. I just want to be left alone." Erin turned away.

"I love him too, I do. Please, I know how you feel." Jay hugged her.

"I don't w---, just, please...?" She gave him sad eyes and he left the room.

Jay walked out of the room, and as he shut the door, his phone rang. "Halstead."

"Hi. This is Natalie...Manning." Her voice quivered.

"Are you okay? What's up?" Halstead seemed worried.

"It's Shay. He's...." She started.

"Is he okay? What's....what's going on?" Jay sat down.

"He's better. He is crying and laughing and rolling, and he's great." She said.

"I'll be there in a few." He stood up and ran into the room. "Erin, it's Shay. He's....he's awake." He smiled and hugged her as she wiped her tears. He led her out the door and they were already on their way towards the hospital. Jay thought about how much he loved her, and how much he loved their family, and he also thought about proposing.

"Erin? Can I be honest about something?" Immediately after Jay said that, Erin's smile faded.

"Yeah... you can, you can be honest about anything, Jay." She looked at him worrisome.

"I..." He paused as he parked the car. Jay got out and led Erin into the hospital.

"Is it so bad that you're afraid to tell me?" Erin asked.

"That's the thing, it's not bad, I'm just nervous to say it." He confessed.

"Are you...? Are you going to propose?" She looked at him funnily. 

"No... I wanted to say this before we see Shay because I feel like it would cheer you up, at least after hearing the news that I'm about to tell you," Jay took a deep breath. "Bunny died. Your mom, she died." 

Erin didn't seem to affected by it, it's like she was wanting her to die, but she wasn't, she was clearly in shock because she was acting completely fine by what was happening.

"Can we just go see Shay?" Erin asked, already walking into where they were keeping him. "May I hold him?"She asked the nurse.

"Of course, Ms. Lindsay, he's your son."

"You're okay, my sweet baby boy. You're okay, I love you." She kissed him on the forehead and Jay wrapped his arms around her stomach and hugged her. 

"I love you, Erin." Jay kissed her cheek.

"I love you too." Erin responded, looking into Shay's soft eyes. Shay smiled then laughed because Jay was making funny faces behind Erin's back. He then put two fingers to look like bunny ears up to Erin's head but unfortunately got no reaction.

They could be the family both Erin, and Jay, had wished for, the perfect one. The one where they all had their problems but they solved them together. The one where they all loved one another. The one where they all laughed together, cried together, even die for each other. This would be the family that every family wanted to be or have.

Luckily, they were able to take Shay home two days later, which they did. They went back to work as usual and life kept going. Jay got home from work one day, when Erin had taken the day off. Jay almost died in an explosion, that luckily, Antonio Dawson saved him from. 

"Erin, will you marry me?"Jay asked.

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