Chapter 2

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The Pier

I looked around at everyone, questioningly; were these elemental masters?

One wore red sunglasses and a white suit; another wore a blue and orange outfit and held what looked like a citar.
Three different girls were there as well; it was a relief that I wouldn't be alone, anymore. 

One of the girls had poofy purple hair and wore a purple tank top and pants; another had bright green eyes and hair styled in a bun. 

The last girl I couldn't identify, because she was wearing an orange cloak and her back was turned.
I would have greeted her, but the guys gestured for me to join them.

I wore one of my old suits; it was the same maroon fit that I wore when the Overlord took over New Ninjago City, a year back. 

Jay, Cole, Lloyd, Kai and I stood in line, waiting to board a large ferry that had pulled up to the edge of the docks.

"Watch your step, Madam," said a middle-aged man to the girl with the orange cloak; she had been the first one in line. 

The man that greeted her had greasy-looking, black hair that was braided, and wore a black and purple suit; on the front was this golden design that I couldn't exactly identify: the red belt he wore had a buckle shaped like the heads of two serpents facing one another.

The girl finally turned around, and I could see strawberry red hair poking out of her cloak.

She smiled at Kai, and that was it for the guy's sanity.

 Lloyd must have seen the expression on my face, because he tried to help.

"We can't let anything distract us; right, Kai?" he asked.

 Kai smiled like an idiot...not that he wasn't one.

"Uh..yeah, sure; whatever you say." 

When he finally snapped out of it, we entered the ferry. We had all boarded, except for Lloyd, when a familiar voice called his name.
He turned around.

Sensei Garmadon.

* * *

He had warned Lloyd not to trust Chen, because Chen had always played tricks.

"If you board that ship, you may never return." 

The words rang in my head, and I could feel a sudden pit in my stomach; Sensei Garmadon was strict, but he always had a reason behind his tight-knit rules. 

I began to question what exactly we were getting ourselves into. 

"I have to go, Dad." Lloyd spoke, his voice cutting me away from my thoughts, "This is about Zane! It's about family."

Lloyd boarded the ship as his father watched.

"...I can't leave you," Garmadon finally said, "but I can join you." 

He approached the ferry. Two servants began removing the entrance board as the sensei attempted to step on.

"I'm sorry," said the greasy-haired man in a low voice, "there's no room."

"No room?" Garm repeated; he front flipped over the water, kicking both servants off of the ship along with the wooden entrance board.
The man turned around.

"I guess I was mistaken; there's room now." Greaseball spoke defeatedly.

"I'm not here to compete, Clouse," Sensei reassured as he turned to face Lloyd with a smile, "only to look out for my interests." 

 We walked around the ferry with Garmadon as our new leader; he explained to us how we all came from different elemental ancestors, and how our powers have secrets that haven't been unlocked yet, that we all descended from an Elemental Master, the guardians of the First Spinjitzu Master.

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