Chapter 12:

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"Very well," Wu complied as he held the book open; with a heavy heart, we were solemn as Garmadon rose in the amidst Sensei reading the curse. 

Komodo, nicktu, demic tara! 

With a swirl of periwinkle and lilac, the Anacondrai Sensei arose; the wind picked up. I had to sway my hair from my face several times in order to watch. 

"Misako, will you ever forgive me for the letter?" Garmadon called. Nya and I looked to Misako, who frowned. 

"I already have." she answered. 

"Tell Lloyd I'm sorry." he instructed. 

Another voice spoke up in Misako's place. 

"You can tell me yourself." 

We whipped our heads around to see the Green Ninja approach Wu, facing Garmadon. 

"If anyone should be sending you off," he continued, "it's me." 

He took the book from Wu and we looked to Garmadon; he shut his eyes as Lloyd finished teh curse.

Kenji, severus, toto-demada!

Cursono, neeboro

His voice raised as Garmadon rose higher. 

Actu, Cursono, Neeboro! 

"I yearned to make the world in my image!" Garmadon called, "I never realized I already you." 

Lloyd frowned before chanting the final part: 

Sono, hokido, bo-rock!

There were screams and groans everywhere as the sensei was sucked into the funnel. 

"Is he..." Misako trailed off. Wu held his hat, frowning and looking to the sky. 

"We shall see." 

There was a blast of light. 

Out of the swirling, dark blue clouds, spirits in green flew from the realm and down towards the scene of the battle; we watched as they carried Chen's soldiers into the realm with them. 

Another blast rang as they followed Garmadon and the cloud disappeared with a boom. 

There was a heavy, ear-ringing sound. was over. 

We could hear cheering from below; no one on the ship made a sound. 

Nya gave me a frown. 

"But, Chen and his soldiers left with them," she reminded me, "Bree...we won." 

"At a cost," I responded, "I don't think we'll be able to pay him back enough...I don't think I will be able to." 

Our eyes slowly found Lloyd; his eyes squeezed shut, his head hung. 

"The war is over," Misako spoke softly, resting a hand on her son's shoulder, "It had to be done." 

An Anacondrai spirit appeared before us, gazing at Pythor. 

"Thank you, Pythor," he began, "You shall be rewarded for your courage and bravery; you have made your ancestors proud...finally!"   

"Oh, what can I say?" Pythor responded without a second thought, "Everyone can change." 

A round of...some sort of power...blasted from above -- I assumed from one of the spirits -- and Pythor returned to his normal size. 

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